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单词 smart
释义 smart1 /smart; smart/ adj (-er, -est) 1 bright; new- looking; clean; well-dressed: 鲜明的; 新奇的; 整洁的; 衣冠楚楚的: a ~ hat/suit/car. 别致的帽子 (套装,汽车) 。 You look very ~,你看起来很帅。 Go and make yourself ~ before we call on the Joneses. 我们去拜访琼斯家以前,你先去打扮整齐。 2 fashionable; conspicuous in society: 时髦的; 社会上特出的; 有名气的: the set; 时髦的一群; ~ people. 社会名流。 3 clever; skilful; having a good, quick brain; showing ingenuity: 聪敏的; 有技巧的; 机灵的; 精明的; 有创造力的: a ~ student/officer; - 个聪敏的学生 (干练的军官); a ~ retort/saying; 巧妙的反驳 (说法); ~ dealing, clever and intelligent, but perhaps dishonest. 巧妙的手段 (但可能是狡滑的) 。 4 quick; brisk: 轻快的; 敏捷的: go for a ~ walk; 做一次经快的散步; start out at a — pace. 以轻快的步子起程。 Look ~ / Hurry! 赶快!赶紧! 5 severe: 属害的; 剧烈的: ~ punishment; 严厉的处罚; a ~ rebuke; 严厉的呵斥; a ~ box on the ear. 重重的一记耳关。 ~ly adv ~nsss n ~en /'smatn; 'smart n/ vt, vi [VP6A, 15B, 2C] ~。 n (oneself) (up), make or become ~ (1, 4): 使或变稼漂亮、整洁等; 使或变得活泼、敏捷等: ~ en oneself up to receive visitors. 打扮整洁以便迎客。 She has ~ ened up since ARMADILLO GUINEA PIG DUCKBILLED PLATYPUS I met her last. 我上次见到她以后,她变得活泼了。




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