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单词 small
释义 small /smal; smol/ adj (-er, -est) (opp of big or large; also little) (为 big 或 large 之相反字) 1 not large in degree, size, etc: 小的; 少的: a ~ town/room/audience/sum of money, etc; 小镇 (小房间; 人数少的听众; 小额的钱等); a ~ pony, 小马, Cf 参较 a nice little pony, 漂亮的小马, 'little,being preferred when there are emotive implications; 有感情成分时,宜用 'little'; ~ children, 小孩们, Cf 参较 charming/nice/naughty, etc little children. 可爱的(漂充的,顽皮的等) 小孩们。 2 not doing things on a large scale: 小规模的: ~ farmers/business men/shopkeepers. 小农(小本商人; 小店东)。 3 unimportant, trifling. 不重要的; 琐细的。 be thankful for ~ mercies, for trifling pieces of good fortune. 对小的恩惠或幸运要表示感激。 ~ talk, conversation about everyday and unimportant social matters. 闲谈; 闲聊。 4 (attrib only) (仅作形容用法) a ~ eater, person who eats ~ quantities of food. 食量小南人。 5 morally mean; ungenerous: 卑跚的; 卑劣的; 气量狭小的; 吝啬的: Only a ~ man/a man with a ~ mind would behave so badly. 只有卑鄙的(小心眼的) 人行为才会这样恶劣。 Hence, 由此产生,, ~ minded adj 气量小的; 心地狭小的。 6 of low social position; humble: 社会地位低的; 卑微的: great and ~, all classes of people. 社会各阶宿。 7 in a ~ way, modestly, unpretentiously: 适度地; 谦恭地; 小范围地: He has contributed to scientific progress in a ~ way. 他对于科学的进展小有贡献。 They live in quite a ~ way, simply and without social ambitions. 他们过着朴实的生活。 8 little or no: 些微的; 几无的: have ~ cause for gratitude. 几无可感激的原因。 He failed, and ~ wonder, It is not surprising. 他失败了,如众所料。 9 (compounds and special uses) (复合字 it 林殊用法 j '~-arms n pl weapons light enough to be carried in the hand by a single soldier, eg rifles, revolvers. 轻武器(可由一士兵单编携带者,如步枪、左轮等)。 ~ change n a coins of ~ denominations: 小额硬币: Can you give me ~ change for this note? 你能不能把这张铃票兑成小额的硬币? b (fig) trivial remarks; light conversation. (喻) 无关重要的话; 经须的谈话。 '~fry n。fry. holding n (in GB) piece of land under fifty acres in extent let or sold to sb for cultivation. (英)小片耕地(五十英亩以下者)。 ~ holder n person owning or renting a ~ holding. (拥有或租有小片耕地的)小农。 the ~ hours n pl hour(1). ~ letters n pl not capitals. 小写字 '~pox n [U] serious contagious disease which leaves permanent scars on the skin. 天花(传染病的一种)。 '~time adj (colloq) of minor importance; third-rate. (俗)不重要的; 三等的; 劣等的。 the still, ~ voice, the voice of conscience. 良心的低呼。 on the '~ side, somewhat too small. 略应小; 太小了一点。 look/ feel ~, be humiliated. 自惭形红感到羞愧。 adv sing ~ / sing(1). n the ~ of, the slenderest part of: 最谶细部分: the ~ of the back. 后腰(背部的最细处) 。 ~s, (colloq) ~ articles of clothing (for laundering/. (俗)丙衣补。 ~ness n




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