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单词 sloppy
释义 sloppy /'slopi; 'slapi/ adj (-ier, -iest) 1 wet or dirty with rain, etc; full of puddles; (of a table, etc) wet with slops: 为雨水等弄湿或沾污的; 泥潭的; 多水坑的; (指桌子等)污湿的: The melting snow made the roads ~. 融雪使道路泥浑。 2 (of food) consisting of slops. (指食崭)流质的。 → slop' n ⑵ . 3 (colloq) unsystematic; not done with care and thoroughness: (|) 无系统的; 做得马虎而不彻底的; 草率的: a ~ piece of work. 一件草率的制品。 4 (colloq) foolishly sentimental; weakly emotional: (俗) 过分多情的; 感情脆弱的; 容易感伤的: ~ sentiment; 多愁善感; ~ talk about girlfriends and boyfriends. 有关交女友和交男友的伤心话。 sloppily /-ih; -ih/ adv in a ~ manner: 污湿地; 泥泽地; 无系统地; 草率地; 感伤地: sloppily (= carelessly) dressed. 衣着随便的。 sloppiness n




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