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单词 slope
释义 slope /slaup; slop/ n 1 [C, U] slanting line; position or direction at an angle, less than 90。, to the earth's surface or to another flat surface: 斜线; 倾斜; 坡度:[ he of a roof; 屋顶的斜度; a slight/steep ~; 轻微的(急陡的)倾斜; a ~ up/ down; 向上(向下)的倾斜; a hill with a ~ of 1 in 5. 有互芬土. 一放产的小山。 2 area of rising or falling ground: 倾斜面; 斜 K: 'mountain ~s; 山坡; 'ski ~s. 滑雪斜坡。 3 position of a (soldier with his) rifle on the shoulder: (士兵的)托枪姿势: wiM his rifle at the 托着枪。 vi, vt 1 [VP2A, C] have a ~; slant: 有斜度; 如商: Our garden ~s (down) to the river. 技启的尤厕商河倾斜。 Does your handwriting ~ forward or backward? 你的书法是向前斜还是向后斜? 2 [VP6A] cause to ~. 使倾斜; 使有斜度。 ~ arms, (mil) place and hold the rifle in a sloping position on the left shoulder. (军)托枪。 3 [VP2C] (colloq) (俗) ~ off. (also 亦作 do a ~), go off or away (to evade sb, or escape doing sth). 走开; 避开(避开某人或逃避做某事)。 slopingly adv




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