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单词 slit
释义 slit /slit; slit/ n [C] long, narrow cut, tear or opening: 狭宣的切口; 裂缝; 裂口: the ~ of a letter-boi (through which letters are put); 信箱的投信口; eyes like ~s. 细长的眼睛; 眯眯眼。 W, (尹, pp slit; -tt-) 1 [VP6A, 15A, 22] make a ~ in; open (by ~ ting): 切开; 撕裂; 在开豁口: — a man's throat; 切割一男人的喉咙(杀死一男人); ~ an envelope open; 拆开信封; ~ cloth into strips/a sheet of leather into thongs. 把布撕成细条(把一张皮革分割辰条)。 2 [VP2A, C] be cut or torn lengthwise: 被纵切(割或知: T,he shirt has ~ down the back. 那衬衣的背部被由上而下撕破了。




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