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单词 slick
释义 slick /slik; slik/ adj (colloq) (俗) 1 smooth; slippery: - 平滑而; 滑溜的: The roads were ~ with wet mud. (祢些'道路泥泽滑溜。 2 carried through smoothly and efficiently, perhaps with some trickery: 圆滑而有效完成的; 巧妙完成的; 做得漂亮而有技巧的: a ~ business deal; 一笔漂亮的生意; (of a person) doing things in a ~ way: (指人 j 有手段的; 有技巧的; 熟练的; 伶闸的: a ~ salesman. 一个伶测的推销员或售货员。 n [C] 'oil ~, film of thick oil covering an area of the sea, etc (eg from an oil-tanker after a collision). 水上浮油(如从撞毁的油船流出浮于海面等者)。 adv directly, completely: '直接地; 完全地: hit a man ~ on the jaw. 正好打在一个人的下蕴上。 ~er n (US colloq) (美俗) 1 long, loose, waterproof coat. (K 而寛鹭的)雨衣。 2 ~ person, c2 above: 骗子; (大都市的)老滑头; 老油条(参看上列第 2 义): city ~ ers. 都市里的老油条、骗徒等。




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