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单词 since
释义 since /sins; sins/ adv 1 (with the perfect tenses) after a date, event, etc in the past; before the present time; between some time in the past and the present timg, or the time referred to: (与完、 成式连用)在过去的某日期, 事件等以后; 在现在以前; 在过去的某一时间与现在或所提及的时间之间: The town was/had been destroyed by ' an earthquake ten years ago/earlier and has/had ~ been rebuilt. 这小城在十年前为地震所毁,后来曾予以重建。 He left home in 1970 and has not been heard of ~. 他在一九七。 年离家,以后即无音讯。 ever ~, throughout the whole of a period of time referred to and up to the present: 从那时到现在; 此后一直: He wtnt to Turkey in 1956 and has lived there ever ~. 他在一九五六乎龙往土耳其, 此后一直住在那里。 2 (with the simple tenses) ago (which is the usu word): (与简单式连用)以前(ago 较常用): He did it many years ~. 他在许多年以前做该事。 How long ~ is/was it? 那是多久以前的事? prep (with the perfect tenses in the main clause) after; during a period of time after: (与主要子句中的完成式连吊) … 以后; 自从: S ~ last seeing you I have been ill. ± 次无到你以后我就病了。 She hasn't/ hadn't been home ~ her marriage. 她自结婚多未甘回粤家。 conj 1 (with the perfect tenses in the main clause) from the past time when: (与主要子句中的完成式连用)自…以后; 从…以来: Where have you been ~ I last saw you? 自上次见面以后,你到那里去了? (with the simple present tense in the main clause): (与主要子句中之简单现在式连用): How long is it ~ you were in London? 你在伦敦多久了? It is just a week ~ we arrived here. 我们到达此地刚好一星期。 2 seeing that; as: 既然; 因为: S ~ we've no money, wc can't buy it. 因为我 .们没钱,我们买不起(它)。




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