单词 | show |
释义 | show2 (archait shew) /so; Jo/ vt, vi (pt ~ed, pp ~n /faun; Jon/, rarely ~ed) 1 [VP6A, 12A, 13A, 15A, 19B, 24A] ~ sth (to sb); ~ sb sth, bring before the sjght: 出示; 展示; 上演; 放映: You must ~ your ticket,at the barrier. 你在入口处必须出示门票。 What films are they ~ing at the local cinema this week? 本地的电影院本周放映什么雕片? He won several prizes for the roses he ~ed, exhibited. 他展出的玫瑰获得好几个奖。 He ~ed me his pictures. 他把他的照片给我看。 He has ~ them to all his friends. 他把它们给所有的朋友看。 The photograph ~s him sitting/seated at his desk. 在这张照片里,他坐在书桌旁边。 2 [VP6A] allow to be seen: 使显霹: That frock ~ 5 your petticoat, is too short to cover it. 那件洋装太短,让你的衬裙露出来了。 A dark suit will not ~ the dirt. 黑由的套装不显麟。 My shoes are ~ Mg signs of wear. 我的睡子已穿旧了。 3 [VP2A, C] be visible or noticeable: 可君显露: Your petticoat is ~ing, Jane. 你的槻裙露 Hl 来了,珍。 Does the mark of the wound still ~? 伤痕还看得见吗? The pink of the appleblossom is beginning to ~. 兰果花的淡红色已开始出现。 His fear ~ed in his eyes. 他的眼中露出恐惧。 4 [VP6A] ~ itself, be visible: 呈现; 可看出: His annoyance ~ed itself in his looks. 他的烦恼在他的表情上可以看出。 ~ oneself, be present (at a meeting, etc): 出席; 出现(在会议等中): Ought we to ~ ourselves at the Evans's party tonight? 我们应出席今晚伊凡家的宴会吗? ~ one's face, appear before people: 痛版; 出而: He's ashamed to ~ his face in the street. 他盖于在街上露而。 ~ fight, give signs of being ready to fight, 显出愿战的样子; 表示不妥协。 ~ one's hand/cards, (fig) make known one's intentions or plans. (喻)表明意图或计划; 摊牌。 ~ a leg. (colloq) get out of bed. (俗)起床。 ~ one's teeth, (fig) look angry. (喻)发题。. have nothing to ~ for it/sth. have nothing that is evidence of what one has achieved or tried to achieve. 毫无成就可言; 无表现。 5 [VP6A, 14, 12A, 13A] give; grant: 给; 施与: ~ mercy on sb. 宽恕某人。 He ~ed me great kindness. 他对我极为亲切或帮忙。 6 [VP6A, 25] give evidence or proof of having or being: 表现; 显示: He ~s no sign of intelligence. 他表现得一点也不聪明。 She ~ed great courage. 她表现得很有勇气。 His new book ~s him to be a first-rate novelist. 他的新书显示他是第一流的小说家。 7 [VP15A, B] direct; conduct. 引导; 引领。 ~ sb in; ~ sb into sth; ~ sb out; ~ sb out of sth. was annoyed/how annoyed he was. 他显得很懊恼。 That ~s how little you know. 那证明你所知抵少。 have ~ ” the falsity of the story/that the story is false/the story to be false. 我们已证明那个报导不真实。 9 [VP2C, 15B] ~ sb/sth off. display (sth) to advantage: 显示(某物)的优点; 使显眼: a swim-suit that ~s off her figure well; 能充分显示她美好身材的弥装; mothers who like to ~ off their daughters, display their daughter's good looks, abilities, accomplishments, etc. 喜欢宣扬女儿长处的母亲们。 ~ off, make a display of one's wealth, learning, abilities, etc in order to impress people: 炫曜自己的财富,学识,能力等; 卖弄: a man who is always ~ing off. 老是卖弄的人。 Hence, 由此产生, '~off n person who ~s off: 喜爱炫雇、卖弄之人: He's an irritating ~-off, is always trying to show his abilities, etc. 他是个讨人嫌的喜欢卖弄之人。~ sb/sth up, make the .truth about (sb or sth dishonest, .disreputable, etc) known: 揭露(不诚实,不名誉等的人或事物)之真相; 拆穿: ~ up a fraud/a rogue/an impostor. 揭发骗局(恶徒,骗子)。 ~ up, a be conspicuous, easily visible: 显眼; 易见: Her wrinkles ~ed up in the strong sunlight. 她的皱纹在强烈的阳光下很显眼。 b [VP2A] (colloq) put in an appearance; be present (at sth): (俗)出现; 出席: three of the people we invited to the party didn't ~ up. 我们邀请来参加宴会的人只有三人未出席。 ~ing n (usu sing) (act of) displaying or pointing out; appearance; evidence: (话常用单数)表现; 陈述; 外观; 外表; 形迹: a firm with a poor financial ~ing, whose financial accounts do not appear to be good; 财政状况不佳的公司; on pres-ent/past ~ing, on present/past evidence. 就现在(过去)的迹象。 on one's own ~ing, by one's own admission. 如某人自己所承认的。 direct or conduct sb into/out of a place: 引领某人进入(离开)一地方: Please ~ this gentleman out. 请送这位先生出去。 were ~n into the livingroom. 我们被引入起居室。 ~ sb over/around/ round sth, take sb round a place: 带某人参观某处: The guide ~ed us over the old castle. 向导带我们去参观那古堡。 ~ sb the door, require him to leave and go with him to the door to see that he does so. 要某人离开,并且陪他走到门口看着他离去。 ~ sb the way, explain which way to go; (fig) set an example. 指示走那一条路; (喻)示范。 8 [VP6A, 9, 10, 20, 21, 25] make clear; cause (sb) to understand; prove: 说明; 表明; 证明: NW: He-edme how to do it/how he had done it. 他向我说明如何做这事 (他如何做这事)。 He ~ ed his annoyance/that he |
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