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单词 shall
释义 shall /weak formjl; f|; strong form Jael; Jael anom fin (shall not is often shortened to shan't //cunt US: Jaent; Jaent/; with thou the old form shalt /Jaelt; '/sell/ occurred; pt form should /Jud; 'Jud, weak form Jsd; Jad/; should not is often shortened to shouldn't /'fudnt; '/vdnt/) (shall not 常简略为 shan't; 与 thou 连用时,则用古'体 shalt; 过去式作 should; should not 常简略为 shouldn't) 1 (used as an aux v to express the future tense, used with the first person, affirm and interr, and second person, interr only. Note that will is often used for shall in colloq style. I'll and We'll are used for I/We shall.). (用作助动词以表示未来时, 用于第一人称之肯定式及疑问式,及第二人称之疑问式。在口语体中, will 常用来代替 shall): We ~ arrive tomorrow. 我们将于明日到达。 S ~ we be back in time? 我们将及时回来吗? He said I was not to go, but I certainly 他说我不会去,但我一定前往。 (The use of should in place of ~ indicates either future in the past, or a conditional statement, with an //-clause expressed or understood): (以 should 代替 shall 时, 或表示过去未来时态,或用于烽件敍述句中, 其条件子句或写出或省略): I told him that I should see him the next day. 我对他说过我将于翌日去看他。 I Should have bought it if I had had enough money. 如果我有足够的钱,我 ■ 卓已买下它了。 2 (used with the second and third persons to form a future or conditional statement expressing the speaker's will or intention; with stress on ~, should, this expresses obligation or compulsion; without special stress on ~, should, it expresses a promise or a threat): (用于第二及第三人称以构成表示说话者之意志或意愿的未来式或条件式; shall, should 重读时,表示义务或强制; shall, should 不重读时,表示允话或威胁): You say you will not do it, but I say you ~ do it. 你说你木做(它),但我说你必须做。 He says he won't go, but J say he ~. 他说他不去,但我说他必须去。 You ~ not catch me so easily next time. 你下次不会那样容易抓到我了。 If you work well, you ~ have higher wages. 如果你工作良好, 你可得较高的工资。 3 (used with all persons to form statements or questions expressing the ideas of duty, command, obligation, conditional duty, and (in the neg) prohibition): (用于所有人称以构成敍述句或疑问句, 表示责任、命令、义务、假定的责任及(否定式中)禁止等观念) :S~ / (= Do you want me to) open the window? 要不要我把窗子打开呀? S ~ the boy Do you want the boy to) wait? 要让那个男孩子等吗? (Note that Will J/he is not used here, but that' Would you like us/him to', is the usu equivalent.) (处不用 Will I (he), 但通常可用 Would you like us (him) to 代替。) I asked the man whether the boy should wait. 我问那人是否要那个男孩子等待。 You shan't have it; it's mine! 你不可拿它; 那是我的! You should (→ ought to) have been more careful. 你不应该如此粗心大意。 He should't (= oughtn't to) do things like that. 他不该做那种事。 4 (used with all persons in clauses expressing purpose, equivalent to may or might, thus forming a subjunctive equivalent): (与所有人称合用,用于表示目的的子句中,相当于 may 或 might ,而构成相当于假设语气之说法): I lent him the book so that he should study the subject. 我借给他那本书,使他可以研究该问题。 5 (used with all persons as a subjunctive equivalent): (与所有人称合用,用作假设语气之同等语): I'm anxious that it 、 ~ /should be done at once. 我急欲使逗事立即做好。 k is surprising that he should be so foolish. 他竟是那么愚笨,实在令人惊讶。 6 (in reported speech) should are used when reporting the first person to other persons (eg He said: 7 ~ do it'—he said he should do it, but will, would are now commoner), or when reporting from other persons to the first person (eg He said to me: You will succeed' — he told me that / should succeed). (在间接叙述中) shall, should 用于将第一人称引述为其他人称(如 He said: I ~ do if-he said he should do it,但目前 will, would 比较通用),或将其他人称引述为第一人称(如 He said to me:, You will succeed,—he told me that I should succeed)。 7 (should is used after how, why, and (occasionally) other interrogative words): (should用于 how, why, 及(有时)其他疑问词的后面): How should I know? 我怎么知道? Why should you/he think that? 你(他)为什么那么想? 8 (should is used to express probability or expectation): (should用于我示可能或期望): They should be there by now, / think, ie I expect they are there; they are probably there. 我想他们现在可能已经到那里了。 9 (should is used to express what is advisable or desirable): (should用以表示应该或合理): You should drink your coffee while it's hot. 你应该趁热把咖啡喝掉。 You should see the new film that's on at the Odeon. 你该去看在奥狄昂上演的新影片, (also fought).




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