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单词 shake
释义 shake1 /feik; fek/ vt, vi (pt shook) /fok; Juk/, pp shaken /'Jeikan; 'fekan/ 1 [VP6A, 15A, B, 2A, C] (cause to) move from side to side, up and down etc: ( 使)摇动; 摇撼; 挥动; 震动; 抖动: ~ a rug; 抖动地参; ~ a man by the shoulder; 摇动某人的肩膀; ~, 血 dice (in a box, etc before throwing them on to a table); (在掷出之前)摇动盒子等中的骰子; ~ one's head (at sb), to indicate 'No', or doubt, disapproval, etc; (对某人)摇头(表示'不'或怀疑、不赞同等); ~ one's finger at sb, to indicate disapproval or as a warning; 以食指指点着某人(表示不赞同或警吿); ~ one's fist at sb, to show defiance. 对某人挥拳(表示挑战)。 His sides were shaking with laughter. 他捧腹大笑。 He was shaking with cold. 他冷得打额。 He was shaking in his shoes, trembling with fear. 他吓得直发抖。 The earth shook under us, eg in an earthquake. 地在我们脚下震动。 ~ hands (with sb). hand'(1). 2 [VP6A] shock; trouble; weaken: 使震惊; 动摇; 减弱: ~ sb’s faith/courage. 动摇某人的信心(勇气)。 They were badly ~ n by the jiews. 那消息令他们大为震 Ko The firm's credit has been badly ~ . 公司的信誉已大大受损。 3 [VP2A, C] (of sb's voice) tremble; become weak or faltering: (指人的声音) 额抖; 变亩或结结巴巴 .Her voice shook with emotion. 她的声音因激动而颤抖。 shaking n = shake: give sth a good shaking, shake it well; 使劲地摇动某物; get a shaking, be ~ n. 被摇动;受惊。shaker n one who, that which, ~s; container in which or from which sth is ~n: 摇动者; 摇荡器; 震荡器: a 'cocktaildr; 鸡尾酒调酒器; a ~ r. 面粉搅拌器; 4 [VP14, 15B] (special uses with adverbial particles and preps): (与副词接语及介词连用之特殊用法): shake down, (colloq) (俗) a get into harmony, become adjusted to new conditions: 和谐相处雇适应新的状况: The new staff are shaking down well. 新来人员适应良好。 b lie down for sleep: 躺下睡觉: ~ down on the beach/floor. 躺在海议上 (地板上)睡觉。 ~ sb down. (US) get money from him by threats, violence, etc. (美)以威胁、泉力等索取金钱; 敲诈; 勒索。 ~ sb/sth down, (US) search him/it thoroughly. (美)彻底搜査。 ~ sth down, give it a ~-down d . 试妬 ;; 试飞。 ,■~-down n (colloq) (俗) a temporary or makeshift bed. 临时搭的床铺; 地铺。 b (US) extortion of money. (M) 敲诈; 勒索。 c (US) thorough search. (美)彻底搜査。 d final test (eg of a new ship, aircraft): (新船,新飞机等的)试航; 试飞: a ~-dow。voyage/ flight. 试航(试飞)。 shake sth from/out of sth, get from/out of by shaking: 把…自…中摇出(下): ~ a leaf from a tree/out of one's shoe. 从树上摇下(从桂里抖出) 一 shake sb off, free oneself from: 摆脱; 避开: The thief ran fast and soon shook off his pursuers. 那贼跑得很快,很快就把追逐者摆脱了。 ~ sth off, get rid of: 除去: ~ off a cold/a fit of depression. 除去风寒(沮丧)。 shake out, (mil) spread; disperse: (军)散开: The troops were ordered to ~ out when crossing open country. 军队在穿越曜野时奉命散开。 ~ sth out, spread so as to out by shaking: 抖开; 展开; It 开: ~ out a sail/tablecloth. 扬帆(铺桌希)。 '~-out n process or act of making workers redundant: 使劳工过剩的过程或行动; 汰工: a new ~ -。 in the shipbuilding industry. 造船业再度汰工。 shake sth up, a mix well by shaking: 摇动使均匀: ~ up a bottle of medicine. 摇匀一瓶药。 (bj restore sth to shape by shaking: 抖麻使恢夜原状: ~ up a cushion. 料辑坐垫。 ~ sb up, restore from apathy or lethargy: 使振作; 激励; 瘢策(使某人脱离淡漠、倦怠而无生气的状态): Some of these managers need shaking up—they're asleep on the-job. 这些经理中有些人需要穂策 —— 他们在工作时睡着了。 Hence, 由此产生, '~-up n: We need a good ~-up in our firm — the management are completely out of touch with the facts of modern life. 我们的公司荐要大事整顿 —— 管理方面与现代生活实况完全脱了节。




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