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单词 seven
释义 seven /'sevn; '8LVSN/ n, adj the number 7. 七 (的); 七个 (的) 。 4 → App4. 参看附录四。' ~ /-fwld; -fold/ adj, adv ~ times as much or as many; ~ times as great. 七倍的 (地) 。 seventh /'sevnG; 'sevanG/ n, adj 第七 (南) in the/one's ~ th heaven, extremely happy. 极端快乐的。 the S~th Day, Saturday, the Sabbath of the Jews. 一周的第七天 (即星期六,为犹太人之安息日) 。 seventhly adv in the 7th place. 第七。 ~ teen /.sevn'tun; , S£van-'tin/ n, adj the number 17, 十七 (的); 十七个 (的) 。~ - teenth /,sevn'ti: n0; zscvan'tin0/ n, adj 17th; next after 16, one of ~ teen parts, 第 + 七 (的); 十七分之 i (的) 。 ~ ty /'sevnti; 'srvsnti/ n, adj the number 70 七十 (的); 七十个 (的) 。 the ~ties n pl 70-79. 七十至七十九 ~ tieth /'sevntiaG; 'sevantnO/ n, adj




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