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单词 set
释义 set2 /set; set/ vt, vi (-tt-, pt, pp set) (For special uses with adverbial particles and preps, 19 below.) (与副词接语及介词连用之特殊用法,参看下列第 19 义。) 1 [VP2A] (of the sun, moon, stars) go down below the horizon: (指太阳、月亮、星星)降落于地平线下; 沉入: It will be cooler when the sun has/is sef 日落之后,天就会凉爽些。 His star has set, (fig) The time of his power, greatness, etc is over. (喻)他的好运已过。 2 [VP14] set sth to sth, move or place sth so that it is near to or touching sth else: 移动或放置(某物)致使与他物接近或接崩: seta glass to one's lips/one's lips to a glass. 将玻璃杯贴近嘴唇(将勇唇贴近玻璃杯)。 set the axe to, cut down (a tree): (fig) start to destroy (sth).砍倒 (树); (喻)着手摧毁(某物)。 set fire/a match/ (a) light to sth, cause it to begin burning. 使某物开始燃烧。 set pen to paper, begin to write, 开始写。 set one's seal to sth; set the seal on sth, authorize or confirm it. 批准; 认可。 set one's shoulder to the wheel, → shoulder. 3 [VP22, 16A] cause (sb/sth) to be in, or reach, a specified state or relation. 使(某人或某物)处于或达到某种特殊的状态或关系。 set sb/sth at defiance/ naught/nought, cdefiance; nought, set sb at his ease, make him feel free from embarrassment, feel comfortable, etc. 使某人安逸; 使某人心 、情放鹭; 使某人舒坦。 set sb/sth on his/its feet, a help him to get to his feet after a fall. 扶某人站起(如跌倒后)。 b help sb/sth to gain strength, financial stability, etc: 使某人(某事物)获得力量、盈济安定等: Foreign aid set the country on its feet after the war. 外援使该国战后经济稳定。 set sth on fire, set fire to sth) cause it to begin burning. 点火燃某物。 tnot/,never tset the 'Thames on fire, not/never do/be anything wonderful, extraordinary. 不会(决不会)做出惊人之事; 不会(决不会)成为杰出的人物; 不会(决不会)有很大的出息。 set sb free/at liberty, free (prisoners, etc). 释放(囚犯等)。 sat people at loggerheads/ variance, cause them to argue and dispute. 唆使人们争辩; 使人们不和。 set sth in order, arrange, organize (ones papers, affairs, etc) properly. 整理 (个人的文件、事物等 )o ,SBt one's ('own) 'house in order, (fig) order one's own affairs, one's own life (before criticizing others), 管好百己的事; 自身先站得稳(再批评别人)。 set sbls mind at ease/ rest; set sb's doubts/fears/mind at rest, help him to be free from worry, free him from anxiety. 使某人安心; 使某人放心。 set sbls teeth on edge, jar his nerves: 使某人心神不安: That noise sets my teeth on edge. 和吵金使我不安。 set sb right, a correct his errors; put him on the right road. 改正某人的错误; 引导某人走向正确的方向。( b) cause him to feel well and fit again. 使某人康复。 set sth right/to rights, correct, remedy (faults, grievances). 改正或弥补错误。 set sb on his way, (old use) go part of the way with him (when he starts out on foot). (K 用法)陪某人走一段路; 送某人一程(当其徒步出发时)。 be all set (for sth/to do sth), be quite ready (for the start of a race, etc). 准备妥当(开始赛跑、赛马等)。 be set on doing sth, be determined to do it: 决心做某事: My Uncle Ernest is set on swimming the English Channel. 我叔叔欧尼斯特决心游过英吉利海峡。 4 [VP19B] cause sb/sth to begin to do sth: 使某人(某物)开始做某事(发生作用): IVs time we set the machinery going, start operations. 是我们发动机器的时候了。 What has set the dog barking? 什么东西使那只狗叫起来? The news set me thinking. 那消息使我陷入沉思。 My jokes set everyone laughing. 我的笑话使每个人大笑。 'Blow, bugles, blow, set the wild echoes flying!' ' 辔起来, 号角,寥起来,让激昂的回声在空中震漏 ! ' 5 [VP6A, 15A] . (usu with an adv or adv phrase; 19 below for combinations of set and adverbial particles with special meanings) put, place, lay, stand: (通常与副词或副词片语连用; 参看下列第 19 义,set 与副词接语连用而形成具有特殊意义的片语)置; 放; 搁; 竖: She set the dishes on the table. 她把碟子放在桌上。 We set food and drink before the travellers. 我扃把食物和饮料放在旅客面前。 He set the stake in the ground. 他竖桩于地上。 6 [VP6A, 14, 12C] set (for), put forward as (material to be dealt with as a task, a pattern, etc): 提出; 规定(工作,作业等); 出(题目等): The teacher set the children a difficult problem, gave them one to be solved. 该师给孩字们出了一个难题。 I have set myself a difficult task. 我为自己安排了一件困雄的工作。 Who will set the papers for the examination, draw up the examination questions? 这次考试命题? What books have been set for the Cambridge Certificate next year, What books are to be studied? 下一年剑桥大学检定考试规定念那些书? Hence, 由此产生, ,set 'book, book on which examinations are to be given. 考试用书。 set (sb) a (good) example. offer a good standard for others to follow: 为 (某人)树立(好)榜样: You should set the younger boys a good example. 你应该为较年幼的男孩子树立好的榜样。 set the fashion, start a fashion to be copied by others. 开风气之先。 set the pace, fix it by leading (in a race, etc); (fig) fix a standard for an activity, style of living, etc: 领先定步调(在赛跑等中); (喻)立下活动、生活方式等之榜样: The Joneses set the pace and their neighbours try to keep up with them. 琼斯一家人立下榜样, 他们的邻居都想向他们看齐。 set the stroke, (rowing) fix the number of strokes per minute. (划船)定下每分钟划桨的次数。 7 [VP17A] set (sb/oneself) to do sth, give sth (to sb/oneself) as a task: 支使、派遣、规定(某人或自己)做某事: He set the farm labourer to chop wood. 他派遣农场工人去砍木材。 I set myself to study the problem. 我决定研究这问题。 I've set myself (= have resolved) to finish the job by the end of May. 我决心于五月底以前完成那工作。 ,Set a .thief to 'catch a thief, (prov) Use illegal methods to uncover illegal actions. (谚)以毒攻毒; 令贼捉贼。 8 [VP6A, 15A] (with various grammatical objects, the n in alphabetical order) (与各种文法上的宾语连用,其中名词系按字母次序排列) set one's cap at sb. cap. set eyes on sb, see him: 看亘某人: I hope I never set eyes on that fellow again. 我希望再也不要看到那像伙。 set one's face against sth, steadfastly oppose sth. 坚决反对。 set one's heart/hopes/ mind on sth, be filled with strong desire for, determination to get; direct one's hopes towards: 亟欲; 决心要得到; 希冀: The boy has set his heart on becoming an engineer. 这男孩下定决心要当工程师。 set a price on sth, declare what it will be sold for. 给某物定价格。 set a price on sb's head, offer a specified reward to anyone who kills him. 悬赏杀死某人。 set much/great/little/no store by sth, value sth highly/little/not at all. 非常 (极,不太,根本不)重视某物。 9 [VP6A, 15A] put in a certain state or condition for a particular purpose: 为了某一目的而置于某种状态之下: set a (broken) bone, bring the parts together so that they may unite. 接(碎)香。 set a butterfly, arrange it with wings outspread (in a glass case) as a specimen. 摆蝴蝶(使两翼张开,置于玻璃盒中,以作为标本)。 set a dock/watch, put the hands to the correct time (or, for an alarm clock, to sound at the desired time): 对钟; 对表; 将闹钟等定时: set one's watch by the time-signal on the radio. 按收音机之报时信号对表。 set eggs, place them (to be hatched) under a hen, etc in a nest. 置卵于母鸡等的下面(住下乏)。 set one's hair, arrange it (when damp) so that when it is dry, it is in the required style: (趁湿)做头发: She's having her hair set for this evening's party. 她为了今晚的宴会正在做头发。 set a hen. place it over eggs (to hatch them). 使母鸡孵卵。 set a saw, sharpen the teeth with a file and put them (alternately) at the right outward angle. 磨锐锯齿并调整其烦角。 set the scene, describe a place and the people taking part in an activity, eg in a play, novel or sporting event 描述戏剧、小说或运动项目中的地点及参与活动的人; 形成的背景或形式 Our commentator will now set the scene in the stadium. 我们的播报员现在将描述运动场的情形。 The scene is now set for the tragedy, Events leading up to the tragedy have taken place and the tragedy will follow. 这驹悲剧的背景卖已形成。 The scene is now set for a direct confrontation between the major powers. 歹 !] 强正面对抗的形势已经形成。 set sail (from/to/ for), begin a voyage. 启航; 开航。 set the table. lay it ready with plates, cutlery, etc: 将餐具摆在餐桌上: She set the table for five people. 她摆设五人的食具于餐桌上。 set one,s teeth, clench them; (fig) become determined and inflexible (against some course of action, etc). 咬紧牙关; (喻)决心坚持到底。 set a trap (for sth/sb), a adjust one to catch a mouse, rat, etc, 设置输旎机(捕鼠等 )o b do sth to discover a dishonest person, etc: 设陷阱,设圈套(以揭发行为不轨之人等): set a trap to catch a thief/for a boy who cheats. 设下圈套捉小偷(拆穿作弊的男孩)。 (up) type. arrange it ready for printing sth. 排铅字。 10 [VP6A, 14] set sth in sth; set sth with sth, put, fix, one thing firmly in another: 使(一物)固定于(他物)之中; 镶; 嵌: set a diamond in gold; 镶钻石于黄金之中; a crown set with jewels; 镶有珠宝的皇冠; a gold ring set with gems; 镶有宝石的金戒指; a heavy lathe set (= embedded) in concrete; 固定在混凝土中的大车床; glass panes set in lead, ie strips of lead, as in old lattice windows. 嵌于铅格框中的窗玻璃。 The tops of the walls were set with broken glass, ie to discourage persons from climbing over them. 墙顶嵌有碎玻璃(以阻人攀越)。 The sky seemed to be set with diamonds, the stars looked like diamonds. 天空似乎镶嵌了钻石(星星看起来像钻石)。 11 [VP2A, C] (of tides, currents) move or flow along; gather force; (fig) show or feel a tendency: (指潮水,潮流,气流,思潮) 流动; 增加力量; (喻)显出或感到某种倾向: 4 strong current sets through the channel. 一股强大的潮流流过海峡。 The current sets in towards the shore. 潮水上涨,流向岸边。 The wind sets from the west. AZ 西方吹永。 The tide has set in his favour, (fig) He is winning public support and approval. 条)他逐渐 SI 得公众的支持和赞许。 Public opinion is setting against the proposal. 舆论反对那提议。 12 [VP6A, 14] set sth (to sth), provide with music, usu composed for the purpose: 为…配曲: set a poem to music; 为诗歌配曲; set new words to an old tune. 为旧曲作新词。 13 [VP6A, 2A] (of plants, fruit trees, their blossom) form or develop fruit as the result of fertilization: (指植物,果树,其花)结果实: The apple-blossom hasn't/The apples haven't set well this year. 苹果花(树)今年没有结多少果实。 This liquid, if sprayed on the flowers, helps to set the tomatoes. 这液体洒在花上,能帮助备茄结实。 14 [VP2C] (of a garment) adapt itself to the shape of the body; sit (which is the more usu word): (指衣服)适合身材; 合身 (sit 较常用): A well-tailored jacket ought to set well. 裁制良好的上衣应该很合身。 That dress sets rather badly. 那衣服不甚合身。 15 [VP2A, C] (of a sporting dog) stop and stand with the muzzle pointing, to indicate presence of game; (of dancers) take positions facing partners: (指猎犬)站着以口鼻指示猎物所在; (指舞者)面向舞伴: set to partners. 面向舞伴。 16 [VP6A, 2A] (cause to) become firm, solid, rigid (from a liquid or soft state): (使)凝曲; (使) 凝结: Some kinds of concrete set more quickly than others. 某些种混凝土比其他混凝土凝固得快。 The jelly is/has not set yet. 冻子尚未结好。 Heat sets eggs and cold sets jellies. 热使蛋凝结,冷使冻子凝结。 17 [VP6A, 2A] (rare) (cause to) develop into definite lines and shapes, become mature: (罕)(使)发育成形; (使)变成熟: His body has/is set, is fully developed. 他的体型已完全发育。 Too much exercise may set a boy's muscles prematurely. 运动过多可能使男孩子的肌肉过早僵化。 His character has/is set, is no longer pliant, is already formed. 他的性格已经定型(不会再变)。 18 (pp) a unmoving, fixed: 不动的; 固定的: a set smile/look/ purpose. 呆板的微笑(呆滞的表情; 确定的目标)。 b pre-arranged: 预定的; 事先安排的: at a set time; 左预定的时间; set lunches £2.50, (eg at a restaurant, there being no choice of dishes); 二镑半的午餐客饭; a ser piece, a large and elaborate firework set on a platform or scaffold; 固定于平台上或台架上的大型烟火; (attrib) (形容用法) a set-piece attack, ie caresully planned in advance. 预秃经过周详策画的攻击。 c unchanging: 不变的; 固执的: sef in one's. ways, having fixed habits; 有固定生活习惯的; a man of set opinions, unable or unwilling to change them. 固执己见的人。 d regular; fixed or planned in advance: 循规的; 预先准备好的; 预先计划好的: set phrases; 现成的词句; 套语; a set speech; 预先准备好的演说; set forms of prayers. 规定的祷吿方式。 e set fair, (of the weather) fine and with no signs of change. (指天气)稳定痢晴天。 19 [VP15A, 2C, 3A] (special uses with adverbial particles and preps): (与副词接语及介词连用的特殊用法): set about sth, start; take steps towards: 开始; 着手 I must set about my packing, begin to pack my clothes, etc. 我必须开始收拾行装。 I don't know how to set about this job, how to make a start on it. 我不知怎样着手这项工作。 set about sb. (col-loq) attack: (南)攻击: They set about each other fiercely, began to exchange blows. 他们凶猛地互殴。 set sth about, spread (rumours, etc): 散布(谣言等): Who set (put is more usu) it about that he is resigning? 谁说他要辞职 (put 较常用)? set sb against sb, cause him to compete with, struggle against, sb. 使某人和某人竞争、对抗。 set one thing against another, regard it as compensating for, balancing, another, 使某事物和另一事物相抵补、平衡或牵制。 set sth apart/aside, a put on one side for future use. 拨出; 留下将来使用。 b disregard: 不注意; 忽视: Let's set aside my personal feelings. 让我们撇开个人的情感。 c (legal) reject: (法律)拒绝; 驳回; 宣吿无效: ser a claim aside. 驳回一旗要求。 set sth back, a move back: 将…往后夜; 拨回: set back the hands of a clock. 把钟麻慢。 The horse, set back its ears. 这马将其耳朵后血放平(俗谓、 马耳向后刷)。 b be placed away, at a distance, from: 蛊于近处; 务开放置: The house is well set back from the road. 这憧房子和大街有相当的距离。 set sb/sth back, a hinder or reverse the progress of: 阻碍; 阻止: All our efforts at reform have been set back. 我们对改革所做的一切努力受到了挫折。 Hence, 由此产生, 'set-back n (pl setbacks) check to progress or development: 阻碍; 挫折: meet with many set-backs; 国到许多挫折; have a set-back in one's ctfreer/business. 在事业(业务) 上受到一次挫折。 b (sl) cost: (俚)花费: That haircut set me back £5. 理那次发花了我五镑。 set sth down, a put down: 放下; 卸下: set down a load. 卸下首负之物。 b write down on paper. 记殴; 登记。 set sb down, (of a vehicle, its driver) allow (a passenger) to get down or out: (指车辆,其驾驶者)让(乘客)下车: The bus stopped to set down an old lady. 公共汽车停下让一位老妇人下车。 I'll set you down at the corner of your street. 我让你在你所住街道的转角处下车。 set sb/oneself down as, (put is more usu) explain or describe as: (put 较常用) 把某人 (自己) 说成或视为 How should I set my seif down in the hotel register—as a journalist or as an author? 在旅馆的登记簿上,我应如何写下自己的身份 —— 写成记者还是作家呢? We must set him down as either a criminal or a fool. 我们该把他视为犯人或具子。 set sth down to sth, (put is more usu 〉, attribute sth to, say that sth is the result of. (put 较常用) 把…归于; 认某事物由…造成: set one's success down to hard work. 将成功归于努力工作。 set forth, begin a journey (set out is more usu 启程; 动身 (set out 较常用 ) → set sth forth, (formal) make known; declare: (正式用语) 宜布滚表: set forth one's political views. 咏表政页。 Is this condition set forth (→ included) in the agreement? 这条件载于合约中吗? set in, a start and seem Hkely to continue: 开始: The rainy season has set in. 雨季已开始了。 It set in to rain. 开始下雨了。 Go to your dentist before decay of the teeth sets in. 舌牙齿开始腐蚀以前去看牙医师。 b (of tides, winds; → 11 above) begin to flow: (指潮汐,风; 参看上列第 11 义) 开始流动: The tide is setting in, flowing towards the shore, 潮水正在上涨。 set off, start (a journey, race, etc): 开始 (旅程、 赛跑等); 出发: They've set off on a journey round the world. 他们已出发环球旅行。 set sth off, a explode a mine, firework, etc, 使 (地雷,烟火等) 爆发; 引爆。 b make more striking by comparison: (用比较的方法) 使更明显; 衬托: Use blue eye-shadow to set off your green eyes. 用蓝色眼影衬托你的绿眼睛。 This gold frame sets off the painting very we!L 这个金框把昼衬托得很美。 c balance; compensate: 平衡; 抵销: set off gains against losses. 以利得抵销损失。 d mark off: 分开; 划分: set off a clause by a comma. 用逗点把子句分开。 set sb off (doing sth), cause to start (doing sth): 使开始 (做某事): Don't set him off talking politics or he'll go on all evening. 别让他开始谈政治,否则他会谈上整整一个夜晚。 isef 'on, (formal) go forward; advance to the attack. (正式用语) 前进; 迎击。 'set on/upon sb, attack: 攻击某人: She was set on by a savage dog. 她被凶犬袭击。 be 'set on/upon doing sth, be determined to do it: 决心做某事: My daughter is set on becoming an airline pilot. 我女儿决心做客机驾驶员。 set out, begin (a journey, venture): 出发; 启程: They set out at dawn. 福们在拂晓由发。 He set out with the best intentions. 也怀书最夫的希望出发。 set out to do sth, have sth as an aim or intention: 朝某个目标进行; 为了某个目的而努力: He set out to break the record for the Channel swim/to make his first million in five years. 他决心打破游过英伦海峡的记录 (在五年内赚到第一个一百万) → set sth out, a declare; make known: 宣布; 发表: set out one's reasons (for sth). 宣布 (某事的) 理由。 b show; put on display: 展示; 陈列: The women set out their chickens and ducks on the market stalls. 妇女们把鸡鸭陈列在市场的舞子上。 He sets out his ideas clearly in this essay. 他在这篇文章中明确地列出他的观点。 c plantout: 散栽; 移植: Set the young plants out one foot apart. 把幼苗每隔一呎栽种一棵。 set sb over sb, put sb in control/command of sb. 使某人控制 (指挥) 某人。 .set 'to, a begin doing sth: 开始做某事: The engineers set to and repaired the bridge. 工程师们开始修桥。 They were all hungry and at once set to, began eating. 他们都很饿,立刻狼呑虎咽地吃起来 To b . (usu with pl subject) begin to fight, struggle, quarrel, etc. (A 常用复数主词) 开始打斗、争执、吵闹等。 Hence, 由此产生, ,set-'to n struggle; quarrel. 斗争; 孚吵。 set sth up, a place sth in position: 设立; 建立: set up a post/statue/memorial. 设置哨岗 (It 像,纪念碑) 。 b establish (an institution, business, argument, etc): 建立 (机构,商店); 提出 (辩护): set up a tribunal. 设立法庭。 What defence did his counsel set up in the trial? 在审判时他的律师提出什么辩护? Hence, 由此产生, 'set-up n (colloq) arrangement of an organization, group of people, etc: (俗) 组织; 结构: What's the set-up here? How's your business, etc organized? 你的商店 (等) 的组织如何? c cause: 造成; 促成: I wonder what has set up this irritation in my throat/this rash on my face? 我不知道是什么东西使得我的喉头发炎 (脸部出疹)? d utter loudly: 高声喊出: set 叩。以〃. 大声喊叫。 e make ready for printing: 排版: set up type/a book. 排字 (排一本舍) 。 set sb up, restore after illness: 使 KU: Her holiday in the country has set .her up again. 在乡间度假使她恢复了健康。 set (oneself) up as, a go into business as: 从事或经营某种行业; 成为某种行业的人: He has set (himself) up as a bookseller. 他已成为书商。 b have pretensions to being: ,自称为: I've never set myself up as a scholar. 我从未自称为学者。 set sb up (as sth), get sb started or established, eg by supplying capital: 资助某人创业: set up one's son in business. 资助自己的儿子做生意。 His father set him up as a bookseller. 他的父亲资助他成为书商。 set up house, start living in one, eg after being in lodgings, 开始住在自己的房子里。 set up house with sb/together, (of two persons) begin living to-gether. (指两人) 一起生活; 同居。 be well set up, a have a body well developed by exercises, etc: 健壮的; 健美的: He has a well set up figure. 他有健美的身姑 What a well set up young woman! 多么健美的女郎啊! b be well provided with: 充分供应: be well set up with clothes/reading matter. 有充足的衣服 (读物) 。




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