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单词 service
释义 service /'S3:vis; 'ssvrs/ n 1 [U] being a servant; position as a servant. 帮佣; 仆人的职位。 be in/go into/go out to ~, be employed as a domestic servant. 做用人; 当仆役。 2 [C] department or branch of public work, government employment, etc: 公务部门; 政府机构: the Civil 'S~; 文职部门; 文官之总称; the, Diplo'matic S~; 外交部门; the fighting ~s, the Navy, Army, Air Force; 海陆空军; 战斗军种; ~ men and women, members of the fighting ~s. 战斗人员。 on active ~, performing duties required by membership of the fighting ~s in time of war. 服现役。 see ~ in sth, serve (in the armed forces): (在军中) 服役: He saw ~ in both World Wars. 他在两次世界大战中都服过役。 He has seen ~ in many parts of the world. 他在世界许多地方服过役。 have seen (good) ~, have served one well: 有 (大的) 用途; 帮 (大) 忙: These old climbing-boots have seen good ~ on my numerous holidays in the Alps. 我屡次去阿尔卑斯山度假这双旧登山靴都有很大的用处。 3 [C] sth done to help or benefit another or others: 服务; 贡献; 帮助: His ~s to the State have been immense. 他对政府的贡献很大。 Do you need the ~s of a doctor/lawyer? 你需要医生 (律师) (的服务) 吗? do sb a ~, help him: 协助某人; 帮助某人: She did me a great ~ by driving me to the airport. 她驾车送我到机场,帮了我一个大忙。 4 [U] benefit, use, advantage: 利益; 有用; 好处: Can 1 be of ~ to you, help you in any way? 我能帮得上忙吗? I am at your ~, ready to help you. 我随时都可以为你效劳。 My car is at your ~, ready for you to use when you want to. 你随时可用我的汽车。 5 [C] system or arrangement that supplies public needs, esp for communications: 公共需要物之供应系统; 公共设施; (尤指) 交通设施: a 'bus/'train ~; 公共汽车 (火车) 之交通服务; the 'telephone ~, 电话设施; a good 'postal ~. 良好的邮政。 road n minor road, off a main road, giving access to houses, etc. (主要道路旁之) 辅助道路; 支道; 支线。 6 [C] form of worship and prayer to God: 证拜 M ; 崇拜仪式: three ~s tvery 每星期日三次礼拜; attend morning/evening 参加早 (晚) 礼拜; 'marriage/'burial/communion ~. 结婚 (葬礼, 圣餐) 仪式。 7 [C] complete set of plates, dishes, etc for use at table: 盘、碟等之全套: a 'tea/'dinner ~ of 30 pieces. 三十人份的茶具 (餐具 ) 0 8 [U] serving of food and drink (in hotels, etc); work done by domestic servants, hotel staff, etc: (旅馆等中之) 上菜; 上饮料; 仆役等之服务: The food is good at this hotel, but the ~ is poor. 这家族馆的食物不错,但侍者的服务很差。 The waiter added 10 per cent to the bill for ~, eg to a bill at a restaurant, instead of getting a tip. 那侍者另加了一成服务费。 Do you make a , ~ charge at this hotel, eg add 10%? 你们这家旅馆要收服务费吗 (如另加一成)? flat n one (usu furnished) of which the rent includes a charge for ~, 房盘中包括服务费用之公寓 (通常备有像具) 。 9 [U] expert help or advice given by manufacturers or their agents after the sale of an article: 厂商之售后服务: send the car in for ~ every 3000 miles, eg for greasing, checking of brakes, etc: 每行三千哩把汽车送厂检修 (如加润滑油、检查煞车等): (attrib) (形容用法) , ~ department. 服务部。 station n petrol station which also offers general servicing facilities. 加油站 (附设一般性修护设备者) 。 10 (legal) serving of a writ, summons, etc. (法权) 传票等之送达。 11 (tennis, etc) act of serving the ball; manner of doing this; person's turn to serve: (网球等之) 发球; 发球之方式; 轮到发球: Her ~ is weak. 她发球没有力。 Whose ~ is it? KMF 球 ? W [VP6A] maintain or repair (a car, radio, machine, etc) after sale (O 9 above): 售后保养或检修 (汽车、收音机、机器等) (参看上列第 9 K): have the car ~d regularly. 定期将汽车送厂检修。 ~able /-abl; -sb; / adj 1 suited for ordinary wear and use; strong and durable: 碧于一般用途的; 耐用的: -able clothes for schoolchildren. 适于学童的耐穿衣服。 2 of use; capable of giving good service. 有用的; 能有助益的。




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