单词 | self- |
释义 | self- /self; self/ pref short for itself, myself, himself, oneself, etc: 为 itself, myself, himself, oneself 等之套:, ~- 'taught, taught by oneself; 自学的; I ~- 'governing colonies, colonies that govern themselves. 自治殖民地。 ,~-a'basement n [U] humiliation of oneself. 自卑。 — ab'sorbed adj having one's attention taken up by one's own interests, thoughts, etc; unaware of other person. 专心于自身利益的; 只顾自己的。 ~-'acting adj automatic. 自动的。 ,■ 'activating adj (eg of an explosive device) made so as to activate itself without external control. (指爆炸装置等)自动引发的。 , ~-addressed adj addressed to oneself: 有有回信地址的: I enclose a stamped ~ .addressed envelope. 我附了一个贴好邮票写有回信地址的信封。,~ - ap'pointed adj chosen or declared by oneself; unsanctioned (and perhaps unqualified): 自命的; 自封的: a ~-appointed arbiter/expert. 一位自命的调停人(专家)。 ,~-as'sertion n [U] the putting forward of one's own claims in a determined manner; the putting forward of oneself in an effort to be noticed by everyone. 坚持己见; 专断; 自作主张; 爱出风头。 ,~-as'sertive adj ,—-as'surance n [U] confidence in oneself. 自信。 ,■—as'sured adj , ~-'centred adj interested chiefly in oneself and one's own affairs. 自私自利的; 自我中心的。 I ~- col'lected adj (of persons) having or showing presence of mind and composure; calm. (指人)心平气和的; 沉静的。 'coloured adj of the same colour all over. 单色的; 纯色的。,~ - com'mand n [U] power of controlling one's feelings. 自制; 克己。 — com'placency n [U] state of being too easily pleased with oneself. 自满; 自得。 I ~-confessed adj on one's own confession: 自己承认的; 坦供的: a ~-confessed thief. 一个坦供行窃的压。 i ~-'confidence n [U] belief in one's own abilities. 自信。 ,~-'confident adj → 'conscious adj aware of one's own existence, thoughts and actions; (colloq) shy; embarrassed. 意识到本身之存在,思想和行为的; 自觉的; (俗)害羞的; 忸怩的; 怕难为情的。 consciousness n [U].,~-con'tained adj a (of a person) not impulsive or communicative. (指人)不易冲动的; 沉默寡言的。 b (esp of a flat) complete in itself (not sharing the kitchen, bathroom, etc with occupants of other flats) and (usu) with its own private entrance. (XJ8 公寓)独立门户的(不与其他住户共用厨房、 浴室等,且通常有自用的房门) o,~-con'troin [U] con trol of one's own feelings, behaviour, etc: 自制; 克己: exercise ~-control; 运用自制力; lose one's ~-control. 失去自制力。( - defence n [U] defence of one's own body, property, rights, etc: 自卫: kill sb in ~-defence, while defending oneself against attack; 因自卫杀死某人; the art of ~-defence, boxing. 拳术。 ~-de'nial n [U] going without things one would like to have in order to help others: 自我克制; 自我牺牲: practise ~-denial to help the children. 作自我牺牲以帮助孩子们。,~ - de'nying adj , —de(termi 'nation n [U] a (in politics) decision, made by a people having the characteristics of a nation, whether they shall be independent or (continue to) be part of another state: (政治)民族自决(一民族就其自身应成为独立国家,或织绩为其他国家一部分所做之决定): the right of all peoples to ~-determination. 所有民族自决的权利。 b the making of one's own decisions; the guidance, by the individual, of his own conduct. 自己决定; 自己作主。 i— 'educated adj educated without (much) help from schools or teachers, 自修的; 百学的。 facing adj keeping oneself in the background; not trying to get attention. 谦退的; 避免出头的。 I em1 ployed adj working, eg as a shopkeeper, a jobbing gardener, without an employer. 非为雇主或不专为某一偏主而工作的(如店主,作零工的园丁等)。 (~-e'steem n [U] good opinion of oneself; (sometimes) conceit: 自尊; (有商用作) 自贝; 自大: injure one's ~-esteem, lower one's opinion of oneself. 伤害某人的自尊。, — 'evident adj clear without proof or more evidence. 毋待证明的; 自明的。 i ~- ex,ami,nation i [U, C] examining one's own behaviour, motives, moods, etc. 自省; 自我检讨。 I ~-ex'planatory adj clear without (further) explanation. 毋须解释的; 不解自明的。 i ~- help n [U] use of one's own powers to achieve success, etc. 自助; 目立。, ~- im'portant adj pompous; having too high an opinion of oneself. 自夸的; 自大的; 自视过高的。 L-im,portance n [U]., ~- im'posed adj (of a duty, task, etc) imposed on oneself. (任务、工作等)自愿负责的; 自愿承担的。 in'dulgent adj giving way too easily to desires for one's own comfort, pleasures, etc. 纵欲的; 放纵自己的。 i ~ -indulgence n [UJ. .'interest n [U] one's own interests and personal advantage. 就利; 利己。 i' ~- 'locking adj locking automatically when closed. 关闭时自动遍上的。 ~-'made adj having succeeded by one's own efforts, esp after beginning life without money, education or influence. 自力成功的; 白手起家的。 ~-opinionated adj over-certain that one's own opinions are correct; having strong opinions not firmly based. 固执己见的; 执迷不悟的; 刚慢自用的。 .—'Pity n [U] (exaggerated) pity for oneself. (夸张的)自怜; 自悯。 ,~-pos'sessed adj calm, cool, confident. 沉着的; 冷静的; 有信心的。 ~-possession n [U] cool ness; composure: 冷静:沉着: lose/regain one's ~-possession. 失去(恢复)冷静。 l-,preservation n [U] keeping oneself from harm or destruction: 自保; 自卫: the instinct of ~ preservation. 自卫的本希。 I ~-'raising adj (of flour) not needing the addition of baking-powder (when bread, etc is being made). (指面粉)自行发酵的. re'liant adj having or showing confidence in one's own powers, judgement, etc, 依靠自己的; 信赖自己的。 l- re'liance n [U] re'spect n [U] feeling that one is behaving and thinking in ways that will not cause one to be ashamed of oneself: 自尊; 自重; 自豪: lose all ~-respect. 失去一切自夺。, respecting adj having ~-respect: 自尊的; 自重的: No ~-respecting man could agree to do such a thing. 凡是有自尊心的人都不会做这样的事。,~ - 'righteous adj convinced of one's own goodness and that one is better than others. 自以为正直(较他人公正善良)的。 .—'rule n → ~-government., 'sacrifice n [U, C] the giving up of one's own interests and wishes for the sake of other people. 自我牺牲。 i ~-'sacrificing adj , ~-'same adj very same; identical: 同一的; 同样京 J: Tom and I reached Paris on the ~-same day. 羸姆和我在同一天抵达巴黎。 ,—-'sealing adj (of a fuel tank, pneumatic tyre, etc) having a substance (eg soft rubber) that automatically seals a puncture made in it. (指油箱,气胎等)有自动封闭孔眼之物质(如软橡胶)的; 自动封闭的。 I'seeker n person who is too much concerned with gaining advantages for himself. 唯利是图者; 自私自利者。 — seeking n, adj, ~- 'service adj a (of a canteen, restaurant) one at which persons collect their own food and drink from counters and carry it to tables. (指餐馆,饭店) 自助的。 b (of a shop) one at which customers collect what they want from counters or shelves and pay as they leave. (指商店)自助的。(c) (of a garage) one at which customers fill their cars with petrol and then go and pay the charge at a counter. (M 加油站)顾客自行加油的。 .—'sown adj (of plants) coming from seed that has dropped from the plant (not sown by a gardener). 饷植物)自然播种的; 自然生长的。 .—'starter n device (usu electric) for starting an engine. 自行起动机(通常为电动的); 自行开动器。 ~-'styled adj using a name, title, etc which one has given oneself and to which one has no right: 自称的; 自任的; 自封的(自行使用某名字,头衔等): The ~-styled Dr' Smith had never been awarded a degree of any kind. 那位自称为'博士'的史密斯先生从未得过任何学位。 sufficient adj a needing no help from others: 自给自足的: The country has now become ~-sufficient in woollen goods, no longer has to import them. 这个国家在毛织品方面现在已能自给自足了。 b over-confident. 过于自信的; 傲慢的。 in sufficiency n [U]. i ~-sufficing adj → ~- sufficient: a ~-sufficing economic unit. 自给自足的经济单位。 ,~-supporting adj (of a person) earning enough money to keep oneself: (指人)自谋生活的; 自立的: now that my children are ~-supporting; 既然我的孩子们都能自立; (of a business, etc) paying its way; not needing a subsidy. (指商业等)能维持自己的; 不须补助的。 I ~ -’will” [U] wilfulness; determined to do as one wishes and not be guided by others. 执对; 固执己昌。 -'willed adj obstinate; refusing advice or guidance. 执拗的; 菌执己见的 o I— 'winding adj (of a watch) winding itself automatically (from movements of the wrist, etc). (指表)自动上发条的。 |
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