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单词 security
释义 security /si'kjoarati; Sl'kjurati/ n (pl -ties) 1 [C, U] (sth that provides) safety, freedom from danger or anxiety: 安全; 无危险; 无忧虑; 提供安全之物; 使免除危险或忧虑之物: children who lack the ~ of parental care; 缺乏父母照顾的孩子们; cross the street in at a pedestrian crossing.. 在行人穿越道上安全地过马路。 Is there any ~ from/against H-bombs? 有防御或抵抗氢弹之物吗? the Se curity Council, the permanent peace-keeping organ of the United Nations (with five permanent and ten elected members). 雨合国安全理事宜。 ' ~ police/ forces, those policemen or soldiers whose duty it is to protect important people or places, and to see that secret agents of foreign powers do not operate successfuily. 安全警察; 安全部队(其职责为保护重要人物或场所,不让外国之间谍得逞)。 ' ~ risk, a person who, because of his political affiliations, etc may be a danger to the security of the State. 因其政治背景等而可能危害政府的人。 2 [C, U] sth valuable, eg a life-insurance policy, given as a pledge for the repayment of a loan or the fulfilment of a promise or undertaking: 抵押品; 担保品(如寿险单等): lend money on ~; 抵押贷款; give sth as (o) ~. 以某物作担保。 3 [C] document, certificate, etc showing ownership of property (esp bonds, stocks and shares): 产权证明; 证券; (尤亩)债券; 股东: government securities, for money lent to a government. 公债券。




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