单词 | secure |
释义 | secure /si'kjoa(r); si'kjur/ adj 1 free from anxiety: 无虑的; 安心的: feel ~ about one's future. 对于自己的前途觉得安心。 2 certain; guaranteed: 确定的; 可靠的: Our victory is ~. 我们的胜利是有把握的。 He has a ~ position in the Civil Service. 他有稳当的公务员职位。 3 unlikely to involve risk; firm: 无危险性的; 牢固的: Don't go higher up the cliff unless you find ~ footholds. 除非你找到稳固的踏脚处,不要再往悬崖的高处爬了。 Are you sure the doors and windows are ~? 你确知门窗是关牢的吗? Is that ladder ~? 那梯子牢靠吗? 4 ~ (from, against), safe: 安全的: Are we ~ from interruption/attack, etc? 我们无受打扰(攻击等)之虞吗? vt 1 make fast: 使牢固; 紧闭: ~ all the doors and windows before leaving the house. 离家前关好所有门窗。 2 [VP6A, 14] ~ sth (against/from), make certain, firm or safe: 使安全; 使可靠: By strengthening the embankments they ~d the village against/from floods. 他们借加强堤防使该村庄免去洪水之患。 3 [VP6A, 12B, 13B] succeed in getting (sth for which there is a great demand): 获得(众所需要之物): Can you ~ me two good seats for the concert? 你能为我弄到音乐会的两个好座位吗? She has ~d a good job. 她已获得一个好工作。 ~ly adv |
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