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释义 section /'sekfn; 'sekfan/ n [C] 1 part cut off; slice; one of the parts into which sth may be divided: 断片; 切片; 部分; 片段: the ~s of an orange. 橙的各瓣。 2 one of a number of parts which can be put together to make a structure: (可拼拢成整体的) 零件; 各部分: fit together the ~s of a complete prefabricated building. 把预制房屋前各部分拼起来。 3 subdivision of an organized body of persons (the 'Postal S~ ) ,or of a piece of writing (often- indicated by the ' ~- mark §, as § 21), or of a town, county, country or community: 机构之次一区分 (如 the Postal Section 邮务处); 处; 科; 组 (等); (文章等的) 节; 项 (常以节号 § 标明之,如 § 21); (城镇,国家或社会的) 地区; 区域; 区划; 阶层: resi'dential/'shopping ~s (area is more usu). 住宅 (商业) 区 (area 较常用) 。 4 view or represenration of sth seen as if cut straight through; thin slice of sth, eg tissue, suitable for examination under a microscope. 截面; 剖面; 断面; (适合于顺微镜下观察之)切片。~引 /-/snl; -/snl/ adj 1 made or supplied in ~s(2): 由各部分组合而成的; 由零件拼拢的; a ~al fishing-rod; 可拆卸拼摘的钓鱼竿; ~砒 furniture. 可拆卸拼厅的像具。 2 of a ~ of ~s of a community, etc: 地域的; 区域的; 区划的; 社会之一部分或数部分的; 阶层的: interests, the different and often conflicting interests of various ~s of a community; 社会各阶层间不同的 R 常为相互冲突的利益; ~al jealousies. 区域或阶层间的猜忌。 ~ /-/snslirsm; -/sn!,irsm/ n [U] devotion to ~al interests instead of to those of the community as a whole. 地域或偏狭观念; 地方主义; 小社群意识。




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