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单词 secrete
释义 secrete /si'kri:t; Sl'krit/ vt [VP6A] 1 produce by secretion (l). 分冨。 2 put or keep in a secret place. 隐崖; 隐藏。 secretion /si'kri: fn; si'krijan/ n 1 [U] process by which certain substances in a plant or animal body are separated (from sap, blood, etc) for use, or as waste matter; [C] substance so produced, eg saliva, bile. 动植物体内从汁液、血液等处析出有用物或废物之程序; 分泌; 分泌物 (如唾液、胆汁) 。 2 act of secreting: 隐匿; 隐蔵: the secretion of stolen goods. 脏物的隐藏。




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