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单词 screen
释义 screen /skri: n; skrin/ n [C] 1 (often movable) upright framework (some made so as to fold), used to hide sb or sth from view, or to protect from draughts or from too much heat, light, etc. 屛; 幕; 帘; 帐; 隔板 (常为可移动的直立构架,有的并可折叠,用于遮蔽某人或某物,或使不受风吹,过度受热,受光等) 。 2 (in a church) structure of wood or stone separating (but not completely) the main part of the church and the altar, or the nave of a cathedral and the choir. 祭坛屛饰 (使敎堂的中部与祭坛,或大敎堂的正应与唱诗班席位部分隔开的木造或石盘建筑物) 。 3 anything that is or can be used to give shelter or protection from observation, the weather, etc: 可用以防止观察,躱避风雨等之遮蔽物: a ~ of trees, hiding a house from the road; 一列树篱 (使房子与大路隔开); a 'smoke-, used in war to hide ships, etc from the enemy; 烟幕 (战时用以掩护船只等, 以免被敌人发现); a ~ of indifference, an appearance of indifference that hides interest. (掩饰关心之) 故示冷淡的外表。 4 white or silver surface on to which slides, film transparencies, cinema films, TV pictures, etc are projected; surface upon which an image is seen on a cathode ray tube. (电影、幻灯、透明片的) 银幕; (电视的) 荧光幕。 Hence, 由此产生,( attrib, = cinema) (形容用法) a ~ play, the script of a film; 电影或电视脚本; ~ actors/stars; 电影或电视演员 (明星); a '~ test, test of a person's suitability for acting in films. 试镜 (测验一个人是否湾于演电影) 。 5 frame with fine wire netting ('window ~, 'door ~) to keep out flies, mosquitoes, etc. 纱窗; 纱门 (用以阻挡苍 ■ 、蚊虫等) 。 6 large sieve or riddle used for separating coal, gravel, etc into different sizes. 大筛; 粗筛 (用以按颗粒大小区分煤、砂石等) 。 7 (cricket) one of two large movable erections of white wood or canvas placed near the boundary line to help batsmen to see the ball. (板球) 白色木材或帆布活动大屛风 (置于球场两端, 使击球员能看得见球) 。 vt, vi 1 [VP6A, 14, 15A, B] ~ (off) (from), shelter, hide, protect from view, with a ~: (用屛、幕等) 遮蔽; 隐藏;掩护: The trees ~ our house from public view. 这些树遮蔽了我们的房屋,使别人看不见。 One corner of the room was ~ed off. 房间的一角被隔开了。 You should ~ the lens of your camera from direct sunlight. 你应该使照相机的镜头不直接受到阳光的照射。 We have ~ed our house (ie doors and windows) against mosquitoes. 我们的房子已装了纱门纱窗以避蚊虫。 2 [VP6A, 14] ~ (from), (fig) protect from blame, discovery, punishment: (藏) 包庇; 庇护: I'm not willing to ~ your faults/ you from blame. 我不愿包庇你。 3 [VP6A] separate (coal, etc) into different sizes by passing through a ~ (6): 用大筛或粗筛分 (煤等); 筛选: ~ed coal, from which dust has been removed. 已筛丰沙土的煤。 4 [VP6A] investigate (sb's) past history, eg the political antecedents of a refugee or displaced person, sb applying for a position in government service, in order to judge his loyalty, dependability, etc; examine (sb) to judge his qualifications for a post, etc. 调査 (某人的) 过去历史 (例如难民或寻求政治庇护者,或申请公职者的政治背景) 以判断其忠诚、可靠性等; 考査 (某人) 以判断其任职等的资格; 甄别。 5 [VP6A] show (an object, a scene) on a ~ (4); make a cinema film of. 放映 (物体,场景) 于银幕或屛幕上; 摄制…的电影。 [VP2C] ~ well/badly, (of a stage play, an actor, etc) be suitable/unsuitable for filming. (指舞台剧、演员等) 适于 (不适于) 拍电影。 types of head screws




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