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单词 salad
释义 salad /'saelad; 'saelad/ n 1 [C, U] (cold dish of) sliced (and usu uncooked) vegetables such as lettuce, endive, cucumber, tomatoes, seasoned with oil, vinegar, etc eaten with, or including, cheese, cold meat, fish, etc: 生菜; (一道) 凉拌食品; 沙拉: prepare/mix a ~; 调配 (择) 沙拉; a chicken/ lobster ~; 一道凉拌鸡肉 (龙虾); cold beef and ~. 牛肉和生菜冷盘。 '~-days n pl period of inexperienced youth. 少不更事的时期。 '~-dressing n mixture of oil, vinegar, herbs, etc used with ~. 生菜之调味酱汁 (油,酷,奶油等的混合物) o '—Oil n oil used for ~-dressing, 生菜油。 2 fruit ~, mixture of fruits, sliced or cut up, eaten cold. 什锦水果。 3 [U] lettuce, endive or other green vegetable suitable for eating raw. 适于生吃的简苣,菊苣或其他蔬菜。




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