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单词 sacrifice
释义 sacrifice /'saeknfais; 'saekra/ais/ n 1 [U] the offering of sth precious to a god; [C] instance of this; [C] the thing offered: 供奉; 献祭; 祭祀; 祭品; 牺牲: the ~ of an ox to Jupiter; 以牛祭祀古罗马主神; kill a sheep as a ~. 季羊作为牺牲。 2 [C, U] the giving up of sth of great value to oneself for a special purpose, or to benefit sb else; [C] sth given up in th: s way: 牺牲(自己利益); 献身廊备牲之物: He gave his life as a for his country, eg of a soldier killed in war. 他为国牺牲了。 Parents often make ~s (eg go without things) in order to educate their children. 父母为了教言 , 子女常自我牺牲(例如省吃俭用)。 Is the ~ of one's health to money-making worth while? 牺牲健康去赚钱值得吗? vt, vi [VP6A, 14, 3A, 16A] ~ (sth) (to), 1 make a ~⑴:供奉; 献祭; 祭祀: ~ a lamb to the gods; 以羔辛祭祀众神; ~ to idols. 祀奉偶像。 2 give up as a ~ (2): 牺牲利益, 生命或享乐: He ~d his life to save the drowning child. 他牺牲性命去拯救快要溺死的孩子。 Do you approve of sacrificing com fort to appearance, eg by wearing formal clothes during hot weather? 你负成牺牲舒适以讲求仪表吗(例如热天穿正式服装)? She has ~d herself/her life/her pleasures and pastimes to her husband's interests and welfare. 她为了丈夫的利益和幸福,牺牲了她自己(她的生命,她的娱乐和消遗)。 sse ri ti-eisl /fSaekn'fifl; /Saekra'fijal/ adj of or like a ~. 供奉的; 祭祀的; 牺牲的; 奉献的。




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