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单词 run
释义 run2 /rAn; rxn/ vi, vt (pt ran /raen; raen/, pp run; -nn-) (For special uses with adverbial particles and preps, $ 26 below; for special uses of running, part adj, crunning.) (与副词接语及介词连用的特殊用法,参看下列第 26 义; running 用作形容词,参看 running,,) 1 [VP2A, B, C, E, 4A] (of men and animals) move with quick steps, faster than when walking: (指人及动物) 跑: run three miles; 跑三哽; run fast; 渔得快; run (out) to see what's happening; 跑 (出) 去看发生了什么事; run upstairs. 跑上楼。 She came running to meet me. 她跑着来接我。 She ran to meet us. 她跑着来接我们。 We ran to his aid/ran to help him. 我们跑去协助他。 The dog was running behind its master. 这只而也施主人后面跑着。 O run after in 26 below. 参畐下列第 26 妾的 run aftero Don't run across the road until you're sure it's safe. 在确定是安全之前, 不要跑过街。 take a running jump, run up to the point where one starts a jump; (si, imper) go away, you are being foolish, etc. 跑至起跳点起跳; 作急行跳; (俚, 祈使) 滚开,你这个笨蛋…。 2 [VP2A, B, C] escape or avoid by going away; take to flight: 逃; 逃夫: As soon as we appeared the boys ran off. 我们一出现,孩子们便逃走了。 Run for your lives! ie run if you want to save your life. 快逃命! run for it. avoid sth, eg getting wet in a storm, by running. 赶快躱避 (如避免在暴风雨中淋湿而快跑) 。 cut and run, (sl) escape by taking to flight. (俚) 奔逃; 逃脱。 a running fight, a fight between a retreating ship/fleet, etc and those in pursuit. 一场 (海上的) 追志战。 3 [VP2A, B, C] practice running for exercise or as a sport; compete in races on foot: 练习跑步; 赛跑: He used to run when he was at college. 他在大学时常参加赛跑。 As he running in the 100 metres? 他将参加一百釆套跑吗? Is your horse likely to run in the Derby? 你的马可能参加大赛马吗? 'also ran, used of a horse not among the first three past the winning post: (用以指赛马中) 非前三名的马; 落选的马: Hyperion also ran. 亥彳白笼神号马未得前三名。 Hence, 由此产生, 'also-ran n [C] person or animal unsuccessful in a race or other form of competition. 在赛跑或其他竞赛中未成功的人或动物。 4 [VP3A] ~ for. (esp US) compete for (an elected office). (尤美) 做凄。 Cf 参较 stand for, the more usu GB usage: stand for为英国比较通行的用法: run for President/for mayor. 竞选总统 (市长) 。 5 [VP6A, 15A] cause to compete (in a race); present dr nominate (for an office): 使参加赛跑; 使参加竞选 (公职): run two horses in the Derby. 让两匹马参加大赛马。 How many candidates is the Liberal Party running in the General Election? 在这次普选中自由党有多少候选人竞选 ? 6 [VP2D, 15A] (cause to) reach a certain condition or place as the result of running: (使) 达到某一地位或得到某一名次: He ran second in the race. 他赛跑得到第二名。 run oneself out (of breath), → run out in 26 below. 参看下列第 26 义之 run out, run sb (clean) off his feet/legs, (colloq) keep him going until he is exhausted. (俗) 使人走得筋疲力竭。 run oneself/sb into the ground, exhaust oneself/sb by hard work or exercise. 因辛苦工作或运动而 (使某人) 筋疲力竭。 7 [VP6A] make one's way quickly to the end of, or through or over (sth). 匆匆跑过或通过。 run its course, develop in the usual or normal way: 依其通常或正常的情形发展下去: The disease ran its course. 这病依其通常的情形发展下去。 run a race, take part in one. 参加赛跑。 run the rapids, (of a boat, men in a boat) move rapidly over or through them. (指船、船上的人) 迅速通过急流。 shoot1 (4), the more usu word, run the streets (of children) spend time playing (esp without supervision) in the streets. (指儿童) 在街头嬉戏。 8 [VP6A] expose oneself to; be open to, 使遭受; 招惹; 易受; 易接受。 run the chance/danger of sth: 有…之可能; 有…之危险: You run the chance of being suspected of theft. 你可能被怀疑伦窃。 run risks/a risk/the risk of sth, rrisk. 9 [VP15A] chase; compete with. 追逐; 员…赛跑。 run sb/sth to earth, pursue until caught or found: 追逐某人 (某物) 直到捉到或找到为止; 追踪到底: run a fox to earth, chase it until it goes to its earth (4); 追踪一狐至其洞元 (fig) (喻) run a quotation to earth, find, after searching, where it occurs. 追査到 — 引用句的出处。 run sb/sth close/hard, be almost equal to, as good as, in merit, etc: 与某人 (某事物) 不相上下; 平分秋色:阳 run our competitors close for price and quality. 在价格和品质上,我们和竞争者不相上下。〃 was a close run thing, (of competition, etc) The result was very close. (指竞争等) 结果不相上下。 10 [VP2A, C] (of ships, etc) sail or steer; (of fish) swim: (指船等) 行驶; (指鱼) 游水: The ship was running before the wind. 该茧正顺风航行。 Our ship ran aground/on the rocks/ ashore. 我们的船搁浅 (触礁,搁浅) 。 We ran into port for supplies. 我们驶进港口装补给品。 The two ships ran foul of each other, collided. 两船彼此相撞。 The salmon are running, swimming upstream from the sea. 鲑鱼从海中逆流游到河里。 11 [VP2C] go forward with a sliding, smooth or continuous motion; advance on, or as if on, wheels: 以一种滑动、平稳或继续的行动前行; (在轮上等) 滚动: Trams run on rails; buses don't run on rails. 电车在轨道上行驶; 公共汽车不在铁轨上行驶。 Sledges run well over frozen snow. 旦; 橇适于在冰冻的弹上滑行。 The train ran past the signal. 那火车已从信号旁边行驶过去了。 12 [VP2A, C] be in action; work freely; be in working order: 论舌动中; 自由地转动; 处于正常之运行状态: Don't leave the engine of your car running. 不要让你汽车的引擎空转。 The sewingmachine doesn't run properly. 这缝衣机操作不灵。 The works have ceased running, The factory has closed, is no longer producing goods. 该工厂已停工。 His life has run smoothly up to now. 他的星活一直过得平静无事。 13 [VP2A, C] (of public conveyances, eg buses, ferry-boats) ply; journey to and fro: (指公共运输工具,如公共汽车、渡船) 经常来回; 往来行驶: The buses run every ten minutes. 这些公共汽车每隔十分钟开一班。 The 9.05 train is not running today. 九点零五分的火车今天不开 oThere are frequent trains running between London and Brighton. 伦敦与布莱顿间火车行驶班次频繁。 14 [VP6A] organize; manage; cause to be in operation: 组厂; 管理; 使运转: run a business/a theatre/a bus company; 经营一商店 (剧院,公共汽车公司 ); run extra trains during the rush hours. 在拥挤时刻増开加班火车。 Can I run (= operate) my electric sewing-machine off the light circuit? 我能在电灯电路上接电使用电动缝纹机吗? / can't afford to run a car (= own and use one) on my small salary. 以我微薄的薪俸不足以拥有一部自用汽车。 Mr Green is run by his secretary, She is the dominant personality and tells him what to do, etc. 格林先生受他的秘书控制。 run the show, (colloq) be boss in an undertaking; have control. (俗) 当家; 负责指挥。 15 [VP6A, 15A, B] convey; transport: 运获; 运标: I'll run you up to town/run you back home, drive you there in my car. 我用车子送你进城 (回家) 。 run err a nds/messages (for sb), make journeys to do things, carry messages, etc, (为某人) 跑腿 (送信) 。 run arms/guns. convey them into a country unlawfully. 私运军火。 Hence, 由此产生, 'arms- ~ ner n person who does this. 私运军火者。 run liquor/contraband, smuggle it into a country; get it past the coastguards secretly. 偷运私酒 (私货) 。 16 [VP14, 15A] cause to move quickly (in a certain direction or into a certain place): 使快速移动或伸展 (沿某方向或至某地方): run a car into a garage; 将汽车开进汽车间; run one's fingers/a comb through one's hair; 以手指 (梳子拢头发; run one's eyes over a page; 浏览一页; run one's fingers over the keys of a Piano. 以手指在钢琴的键上弹。 17 [VP2C] (of thoughts, feelings, eyes, exciting news, etc) pass or move briefly or quickly: (指意念、感情、眼睛、 好消息等) 匆匆而过; 掠过: The thought kept running through my head. 这意念一再掠过我的脑海。 Mary's eyes ran critically over her friend's new dress. 玛莉以批评的眼光打量她朋友的新衣服 oThe pain ran up my arm. 疼痛已经遍及我的胳臂。 A shiver ran down his spine. 他不禁全身战栗。 The news ran like wildfire. 那消息如野火般浦布。 A whisper ran through the crowd. 耳语传遍了人群。 18 [VP15A] cause (sth) to penetrate (intentionally or by accident) or come into contact with; penetrate or pierce (sb/sth) with sth: (故意地或偶然地) 使穿透; 使与…接触; 刺穿: run a sword through a man/run a man through with a sword; 以剑刺穿一人; run a splinter into one's finger; 手希扎亍一根蓟; run one's head against a glass door in a dark corridor. 在黑暗的走廊上一头撞在玻璃门上。 The drunken driver ran his car into a tree. 喝醉酒的帮驶员开车撞到树上。 19 [VP2A, B, C] (of liquids, grain, sand, etc) flow, drip; (of surf aces) be wet (with); (of colours, eg dyes) flow and spread: (M液体,谷粒, 砂等) 流; 滴; (指表面) 弄湿; (指颜色,如染料) 扩散: Rivers run into the sea. 河水流入海中。 The tears ran down my cheeks. 泪从成; 的脸颊流下。 Who has left the tap/water running? 谁忘了关水龙头? The tide was running strong. 潮涨甚急。 The beggar's legs were covered with running sores. 那乞丐的腿上全是流脓的疮。 Your nose is running—use your hanky, ie wipe your nose clean. 你流鼻涕亍 — 快用手帕擦擦。 Water was running all over the bathroom floor. 洗澡问地上全足水。 The floor was running with water. 地板上全是水。 Will the colours run if the dress is washed? 这衣服洗起来会不会掉颜色? 20 [VP6A, 15A, B] cause (a liquid, molten metal, etc) to flow: 使(液体、熔化的金属等) 流动: Run some hot water into the bowl. 倒些热未到这碗里。 Run the water off, (= let it flow out) when you've had your bath. 洗过澡后要把水放掉。 The molten metal was run into a mould. 惓化的金属被倒进模内。 21 [VP2D] become; pass into (a specified condition): 变成; 进入(某指明的情况): The rivers are running dry, ceasing to flow. 河流干涸了。 Supplies are running short/low. 供应品快用完了。 I have run short of money. 我正缺钱用。 Feelings/Passions ran high, became stormy or violent. 咨情激昂。 My blood ran cold, I was filled with horror. 吓得我血都凉了。 run riot, a behave in a wild and lawless way. 滋闹。 b (of plants, etc) grow unchecked. (指检物)童延。 run wild, be without control, restraint, discipline, etc: 毫无控制,限制,纪律等: The garden is running wild. 园中野草丛生。 She lets her children run wild. 她纵容孩子,不加管敎。 run s temperature, (colloq) become feverish. (俗)发烧; 发热。 22 [VP2A, B, C] extend; have a certain course or order; be continued or continuous: 扩延; 有某种途径或次律; 连续: shelves running round the walls; 绕墙曲乘字; a scar that runs across his left cheek; 宿过梢左颊的疤痕; a road that runs across the plain; 穿越林平原的一条路; a fence running round the property. 寰绕那风地产的一道篱。 It happened several days running, several days in succession. 那事连续发生了好几天。 He hit the target seven times running. 他连续七次射中目标 oThe play ran (for) six months, was kept on the stage, was performed, during this period of time. 这个剧连演了六个月。 The lease of my house has only a year to run. 我的房子的租药期疏只有一年了。 a running commentary, account of an event as it occurs by a broadcaster: 实况转播; 现场报导: a running commentary of a football match. 足球比赛的实况蕈播。 Tunning costs, continuous costs for producing goods, etc (as opposed to costs of original manufacture). 慈续成 W。 23 [VP2C, D] have a tendency or common characteristic; have as an average price or level: 有某种倾向或共同特色; 有某种之平均价格或水准: This author runs to sentiment. 这位作家流于伤感。 Blue eyes run in the family. 这一家人均是蓝眼睛。 Our apples run rather small this year. 今年我浦的苹果结禅很小。 Prices for fruit are running high this season. 这个季节水果的价格偏高。 24 [VP2A] be told or written: 被说; 被写: So the story ran, That is what was told or said. 传说如此。 The story runs that..., It is said that.... 据舫…。 The agreement runs in these words. 协议上的文字就是这样写的。 I forget how the next verse runs, how the words or notes follow one another. 我忘记下一节诗了。 25 [VP2A] (of woven or knitted material) become unwoven or unravelled; drop stitches through several rc 林(指编织物)脱线; 脱针: Nylon tights sometimes run. 尼龙紧身衣有时会脱线。 ladder, the more usu word with reference to stockings. (指机子时 ladder 较常用)。 26 [VP2C, 3A, 15B] (special uses with adverbial particles and preps): (与副词接语及介词连用的特殊用法) ] run across, pay a short informal visit: 作短暂非 ■ 正式拜访: run across to a neighbour's flat to borrow some sugar. 到邻居公寓去借些糖。 run across sb/sth, meet or find by chance: 不期而遇(某人或某物): I ran across my old friend Jean in Paris last week. 上星期我在巴黎遇见老友琴。 - run after sb/sth, a try to catch: 追逐: The dog was running after a rabbit. 狗正在追遂一只兔子。 b seek the society of; go after in order to get the attention of: 设法和…交际; 追求: She runs after every good-looking man in the village. 她追隶村中每个漂亮男人。 run against sb, compete with him by running in a race; (esp US) compete with him (for an elected office). 和某人赛跑; (尤美)和某人竞选。 run along, (colloq) go away; be off: (俗)走开; 离开: Now, children, run along! 孩子们,走开! run away, leave rapidly; flee; escape: 迅速离围; 逃走; 逃避: Don't run away—I want your advice. 请不要走 —— 我需要你的意见。 The boy ran away and went to sea, left home and became a sailor. 那孩子离家出走, 当海员去了。 Hence, 由此产生, run away /'rAnawei; 'rAno’we/ n person who has run away. 逃走者; 出走者。 adj runaway success, etc, great, immediate success, etc. 即时获得的大成功等。 run away with sb, a elope with: 就奔: The butler ran away with the duke's daughter. 仆役长和公爵的女儿私奔了。 b go at a speed too high for control: 行进速度过快而不易控制: Don't let your horse/car run away with you. 不要让你的马 (汽车)跑得太快而不易控制。 c destroy the selfcontrol of: 失去自我控制; 无法自抑: Don't let your temper run away with you. 别让你的脾气失去控制。 run away with sth, a use up: 用尽: This new scheme will run away with a lot of the ratepayers' money. 这项新计划将用去纳税人的许多钱。 b carry off; steal: 拐走; 卷逃; 偷: The maid ran away with the duchess's jewels:女仆带了公爵夫人的珠由潜逃。 c get a clear win over: 获全胜: The girl from Peru ran away with the first set, eg in a tennis tournament. 来自秘鲁的那个女孩房一局(例如在网球联赛中)获得全胜。 m away with the idea/ notion that, assume too hastily that sth is the case: 贸然假定; 贸然接受; 轻易相信: Don't run away with the idea that I can lend you money every time you need help. 不要认为每当你需要帮助时我就能借钱给你。 run back over sth, review past events, etc: 回忆过去; 重温旧事: run back over the past. 回忆往蕾。 I'll run back over the procedure again. 我将再查看一下这程序。 run sth back, rewind (film, tape, etc) (after it has been looked at, listened to). (在看过或听过之后)倒回(影片、录音带等)。 run down, a (of a clock or other mechanism worked by weights) stop because it needs winding up. (指钟或其他借锤摆而工作之机械装置)因未上弦而停摆。 b (of a battery) become weak or exhausted 指电也)变弱; 耗金: The battery is/has run down; it needs recharging. 这电池已变弱; 需要再充电。 (be/feel/look) run down, (of a person, his health) exhausted or weak from overwork, mental strain, etc. (指人、其健康)因过度工作,精神紧张等而疲惫或虚弱 orun sb/sth down, knock down or collide with: 撞倒; 相撞: The liner ran down a fishing-boat during the dense fog. 那邮轮在浓雾中撞及一渔船。 The cyclist was run down by a big lorry. 那骑脚踏车名被一辆大卡车撞倒。 run sb down, a say unkind things about; disparage: 诽谤; 诋 W: That man doesn't like me; he's always running me down. 那个人不喜欢我; 他总是讲我的坏话。 b pursue and overtake: 金获: run down an escaped prisoner. 追获一越狱的逃犯。 run sth down, allow to become less active or occupied: 容许变得较不活动或忙碌: run down the ship's boilers; 强少船上锅炉的负荷; run down a naval dockyard, do less work and employ fewer workers. ■ 减海军造船所的工作和人员。 Hence, 'run-down n a reduction: 减少; 减缩: the run-down of the coal industry. 煤 KID 的参畚。 b (colloq) detailed explanation or listing. (G) 详细说明或列举 qadj (of a place) decayed; dilapidated; not cared for. (指地方)破烂的; 残破的; 未照料的。 run for sth, a → 2 above. 参看上列第 2 义。 b 4 above. 参看上列第 4 义。 run in, — run across, run sb in, (colloq, of the police) arrest and take to a police station: (俗,指警察)逮捕并带往派出所: The drunken man was run in for creating a public disturbance. 那醉汉因扰乱公共秩序被拘于派出所。 run sth in. bring (new machinery, esp the engine of a car) into good condition by running it carefully for a time or distance: 小心使用一段时间或行驶一段距离而使(新机器,尤指汽车引擎)达于良好状况: He's still running in his new car and doesn't exceed fifty miles an hour. 他仍在小心试开他的新车, 车速每小时不超过五十哩。 run into sb, meet unexpectedly: 偶遇: run into an old friend in a pub. 在酒备偶遇一老友。 run into sth, a collide with: 撞及: The bus got out of control and ran into a wall. 公共汽车失去控制而撞到墙。 b fall into: 陷入: run into debt/ danger/difficulties. 陷于债务(危险,困难)中。 c reach (a level or figure): 到达(某一标准或数目): a book that has run into six editions. 一本已经销六版的书。 His income runs into five figures, is now ten thousand (pounds, dollars, etc) or more. 他的收入已达五位数字。 run sb into sth, cause (sb) to fall into (acertain state): 使(某人)陷于(某种情况): My wife has run me into despair. 我的太太使我绝望。 run sth into sth, cause sth to collide or connect with sth: 使某物与另一物碰撞或衔接: run one's car into a wall. 开车撞及一墙。 run off with sb/sth, a steal and take away: 带着…潜逃; 窃走: The treasurer has run off with all the club's funds. 会计带着俱乐部的全部款子潜逃了。 b elope with: 与…私奔: My mother has run off with her bank manager. 我母亲与她的银行经理私弟了。 run sth off, a cause to flow away: 使流走: run off the water from a tank, empty the tank. 使桶 4 的水流尽。 b write or recite fluently, eg a list of names: 流利地写或背出(名单等): run off an article for the local (news)paper. 为地方报纸写一篇文章。 c print; produce: 印刷; 生产: run off a hundred copies on the duplicating machine. 在复印机上印出一百份。 d decide (a race) after a tie, or trial heats; cause to be run or played: 在得分相同或初赛后再作(比赛)以定胜负; 举行比赛: run off a heat. 进行决赛。 When will the race be run off? 该项比赛何时举行? Hence, 由此产生, 'run-off n deciding race, etc after a dead heat or tie. 决赛。 → dead, run off sb (like water off a duck's back), have no effect on him: 对 (某人)毫无影响(如水流过鸭背): Her warnings ran off him like water off a duck's back. 她的警吿对他毫无影响,如同水流过鸭背。 run on, a talk continuously: 继续谈: He will run on for an hour if you don't stop him. 你如不阻止他, 他会一连说上一个小时。 b elapse: 流逝: time ran on. 时光流逝。 c (of a disease) continue its course, (it 疾病)继续发展。 run (sth) on, a (of written letters of the alphabet) join, be joined, together: 书写之字母)连缀起来: When children are learning to write, they should let the letters run on, not write them separately. 小孩学习写字的时候,应该把字母连着写,不能分开写。 They should run the letters on. 他们应该把字母连起来写。 run on/ upon sth, a (of thoughts, etc) be concerned with: (M思痈等)涉及; 关于: That boy's thoughts are always running on food. 那孩子脑子里总是想着食物。 His thoughts were running upon the past/on recent events in India. 他在回想过去(最近发生在印度的事)。 b (of ship) strike: (指船)撞及: The ship ran upon the rocks. 该船撞到礁石上。 run out, a go out: 消退: The tide is running out. 潮正退去。 b (of a period of time) come to an end: (指一段时间)到期限: When does the lease of the house run out? 房子的租约什么时候到期? c (of stocks, supplies) come to an end, be exhausted; (of persons) become short of (supplies, etc): (指贮存物、供应品)用尽; (指人)缺乏(供应品等): Our provisions are running out. 我们的粮食: 快吃完了。 Her patience is running out. 她祸渐失去富心。 The sands are running out, (with reference to the sand in an hour-glass) the time allowed to us (before something unwelcome comes) is coming to an end. (指更漏中之沙将流尽)期限将届。 d jut out; project: 伸出; 突伸: a pier running out into the sea. 突伸到海中的码头。 run (rope/string) out, pass (it) out; be passed out: 玷出(绳); 被拉出: The rope ran out smoothly. 绳子很顺利地拉出来了。 The sailor ran the rope out neatly. 水手莉 施把绳子拉出。 run out of sth, reach an end of (stocks, supplies): 用尽(贮物、供应品): We're fast running out of beer/cigarettes. 我们的啤酒 (香烟)很快就用完了。 be run out. (cricket, of a batsman) have his innings ended because, while trying to make a run, he fails to reach his crease before the wicket-keeper or one of the fielders returns the ball and removes the bails or stump(s): (板球击球员)被杀出局(击球员未能在守门员或外场员将球投回和移走门柱之前得分而被杀出局): Smith was run out before he had scored. 史密斯未能得分就被杀出局。 run oneself out (of breath), exhaust oneself: 筋疲力竭: He's completely run out. 他已疲惫不堪。 run out on sb, (sl) abandon, desert: (匝)放弃; 遗弃: Poor Jane! Her husband has run out on her. 可怜的珍!她的丈夫遗乘了她。 run over, a (of a vessel or its contents) overflow. (指容器或容器内盛的东西)流出; 溢出。( b)=r“n across, run over sth, a review; recapitulate: 温习; 简述要旨: Let's run over our parts again, eg when learning and rehearsing parts in a play. 让我们再把我们的台词温习一遍。 b read through quickly: 匆匆读一遍: He ran over his notes before starting his lecture. 在开始谣演前他把大纲匆匆看一遍。 run over sb; run sb over, (of a vehicle) (knock down and) pass over (sb or sth lying on the ground): (指车辆)(撞倒并)帐过(在地上的某人或某物): The bus ran over his legs. 公共汽车过他的腿。版 was run over and had to be taken to hospital. 他被车辗伤,必须送往医院。 run round. - run across. run sth through sth, draw a line, one's pen, through sth. 画掉。 run sb through, pierce with a sword, bayonet, etc. 刺穿。 run through sth, a use up (a fortune, etc) esp by foolish or reckless spending: 耗尽; 浪费(财产等): He soon ran through the money he had won at poker. 不久他就把从赌扑克牌赢来的钱花光了。 b examine quickly; deal with in rapid succession: 匆匆检查; 连续很快地处理: run through one's mail during breakfast. 吃早饭时匆匆把信件看过。 Hence, 由此产生, run-through n quick examination or discussion: 迅速检查或讨论: g sth a quick run-through. 迅速检查或讨论某事物。 c rehearse. 预演; 排演。 Hence, 由此产生, 'run-through n rehearsal. 排演。 run to sth, a reach (an amount, number, etc): 达及(某量、数旧): That will run to a pretty penny, will cost a lot of money. 那要花很多佥的。 b have money for; (of money) be enough for: 有用于…之钱; (指钱)数目足够做…:附 e can't/Our funds won't run to a holiday abroad this year. 今年我们没有足够的钱(我们的钱不够)到外国去度假。 I can't run to that, can't afford it. 戒没有钱做那个。 c extend to: 扩展到: His new novel runs for 900 pages/ has already run to three impressions. 福. 的新小说已经写了九百页了(出了三版了)。 run to fat, (of persons) tend to put on too much fat. (指人)有长胖的趋势。 run to ruin, fall into ruin. 成为废炉。 run to need, (of plants) tend to develop chiefly seed instead of new growth of leaves, etc. (指备物)有只结子而不长新叶等之倾向。 run to waste, (eg of water) be wasted. (指水等)被浪费。 run up. (cricket; of a bowler) gather speed by running, before releasing the ball; (of athletes in some field events) gather speed before jumping, throwing a javelin, etc. (板球; 指投球手)在投球前跑步以增加速度; (其他运动项目中) 在跳或掷标枪等前跑步以增加速度。 Hence, 由此产生, 'run-up n a (length or manner of a) bowler's or athlete's approach: 投球员或运动员在投球或运动前跑步 (的长度或劳式): a long/short run-up. 长程 (短程) 加速跑步。 b period leading up (to sth) : (某事物的) 前导时如: the run-up to the General Election, the period when candidates are busy seeking support, etc. 普选前的竞选时期。 run sth up. a raise; hoist: 提高; 升起: run up a flag on the mast. 在披杆上升起一面旗。 b erect, make or construct quickly or in an unsubstantial way: 匆匆或不坚实地竖起,制成或建造: run up a dress/a garden shed. 草章做金女服 (盖一花花小棚) 。 c add up (a column of figures). 加起 (一栏数字) 。 d cause to grow quickly in amount: 使疾速增加: run up a big bill at a hotel; 迅速积欠一大笔旅馆的帐; run up the bidding at an auction, force others to bid higher, force up prices. 在公开拍卖中抬价。 run up against sth, meet by chance or unexpectedly: 偶遇: run up against difficulties. 遭遇困难。 run up to, amount, extend to (a figure): 达及 (某数): Prices ran up to £5 a ton. 价格达五镑一吨。




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