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单词 run
释义 run1 /rAn; fad/ n 1 act of running on foot: 跑: go for a short run across the fields; 横过田野做一次短跑; (in fox-hunting) period of chasing a fox. (在猎狐中) 追赶狐狸的一段时间。 at a run, running: 跑: He started off at a run but soon tired and began to walk. 他跑步出发,恒不久便累了, 于是改成步行。 on the run, a in flight: 奔逃: He's on the run from the police. 他正在逃避警察的追缉。 We have the enemy on the run, We have caused them to run away. 我们迫使敌人逃窜。 b continuously active and moving about: 继续洁动; 一直忙个不停: I've been on the run ever since I got up. 我起床后一直忙个不停。 give sb/get s (good) run for his/one's money, a obtain (sth) in return for his efforts, expenditure. 给与某人 (获得) 应得的报酬或享受。 b provide him with strong competition: 使某人做激烈的竞争: We must give him a good run for his money. 我们必须和他做激烈的竞争。 2 [C] excursion or visit: 远足; 游览: a run to Paris; 到色藜去游览; have a run in the country, eg by car; 到乡间一游 (如乘车游览); outing or journey in a car, train, etc: 乘汽车、火车等的出游或旅行: How many hours' run is Leeds from London by train? 从伦敦到里兹乘火车有几小时行程? Can We have a trial run in the new car? 我们可以试乘这部新汽车吗? 3 [C] distance travelled by a ship in a specified time: (船的) 航程: make bets on the day's run, on the distance travelled in 24 hours, 打赌一天的航程。 4 route taken by vehicles, ships, etc: 车、船等走的路线: The boat was taken off its usual run. 该船不再航行原有航线。 5 quick fall: 急剧下跌: Prices/The temperature came down in/with a r 血. 物价 (温度) 急剧下降。 6 series of performances: 连续的演出: The play had a long run/a run of six months. 这个戏已连演甚久 (连演六个月) 。 7 period; succession: 一段时间; 连续: a run of bad luck, a series of misfortunes. 一连串的不幸。 a run on sth. sudden demand by many people for it: 许多人之突然需求某物: a run on the bank, a demand by many customers together for immediate repayment. 纷纷到银行提款; 挤兑。 in the 'long run. ultimately: 最终地; 终隹地: It pays in the long run to buy goods of high quality. 买质料好的东西终究是上算的。 8 (usu large, enclosed) space for do mestic animals, fowls, etc: 家畜或宗禽的 (大) 围场: a 'chicken-run; 鸡场; a 'sheep-run, area of pasture for sheep, 牧辛场。 9 (cricket and baseball) unit of scoring, made by running over a certain course. (K 球及棒球) 分数单位; 一分。 10 common, average or ordinary type or class: 普通的型式或种类: the common run of mankind, ordinary, average people; 普通人; an hotel out of the common run, different from, and better than, the kind one usually finds. 与众不同的旅馆。 ,run-of-the-'mill, ordinary; average. 书通的; 一般曲。 11 (colloq) permission to make free use (of). (俗) 准诈自由隹用。 give sb/get the run of sth, the permission to use it: 允许某人自由使用某物: I have the run of his library. 我可以自由使用他的书房。 12 way in which things tend to move; general direction or trend: 事物进展的方式; 趋势; 趋向: The run of events is rather puzzling. 事情发展之趋势令人费解。 The run of the cards (= The cards that were dealt to me during the evening) favoured me. (那晚) 我的牌风很顺。 13 (music) series of notes sung or played quickly and in the order of the scale. (音乐) 急唱; 急奏。 14 shoal of fish in motion: 一群派动中的鱼: Q run of salmon, eg on their way upstream. 一群鲑鱼 (如正逆流而上者) 。 15 (US) ladder (2). (美) 袜子脱针处; 抽丝。




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