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单词 rumble
释义 rumble /'rAmbl; 'rAmbl/ vi, vt 1 [VP2A, C] make a deep, heavy, continuous sound: 发出隆隆声或转辘声: thunder)gun-fire rumbling in the distance; 远方发出的隆隆雷(炮火)声; move with such a sound: 隆隆地行进; 辕辘地行进: heavy carts rumbling along the street; 在由上辕怀前行的重马车; (of the bowels) make sounds as gas moves through them. (指肠子)发咕咕声。 2 [VP15B] ~ out. utter, say, in a deep voice: 以低沉声音说出: ~ out a few remarks. 以低沉的声音说出几句话。 n 1 [U] deep, heavy, continuous sound: 隆隆声; 辘机声: the ~ of thunder. 雷声隆隆。 2 [C] (old use) place at the back of a carriage for a person or for luggage, etc; (= dickey-seat; US, also 美亦作 '-seat) extra, open seat at the back of an (old-fashioned) automobile. (旧用法)马车尾部供人乘坐或载行李之部位; (旧式)汽车后边外加之无篷座位; 车后座。




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