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单词 round
释义 round3 /raund; raund/ n 1 sth round; a slice made by a complete cut across the end of a loaf: 圆的东西; 面包片:,w 。 ~ s (= sandwiches) of ham and one of beef; 两片火腿三明治和一片牛肉三明治; a ~ of toast. 一片吐司。 2 [U] (sculpture) solid form, enabling an object to be viewed from all sides (contrasted with relief). (雕刻)圆雕(能从各面观看的立体形式,与 relief 相对); 立体雕刻。 in the ~, (arts) made so that it can be viewed letters. 邮差的送信路线。 go the ~s; make one's ~s, make one's usual visits, esp of inspection: 例行巡视或检查: The night watchman makes his ~s every hour. 守夜者每小时巡回一次。 go the ~ of, be passed on (to): 传遍: The news quickly wem the ~ of the village. 这消息很快传遍全村。 4 (in games, contests, etc) one stage: (在游戏,比赛夺中)一局; 一回合: o boxing-match of ten ~s, 十回合南一场拳击比赛; knocked out in the third ~; 在第三回合市愈击倒; the semi-final ~ of the League Championship; 棒球联盟锦标赛的准决赛; the sixth ~ of the FA Cup, the quarter-finals of this soccer contest; 英国足球协会杯复赛。 have a ~ of cards; 玩一局牌; a ~ of golf, to all the 9 or 18 holes of the course. 一局高尔夫球(把球打进高尔夫球场中所有的九或十八个洞)。 5 allowance of sth distributed or measured out; one of a set or series: (分配或量出的某种东西的)一份; (一套或一组中的)一个: pay for a ~ of drinks, drinks for every member of the company; 付出每一同伴喝酒的 another of wage claims, by trade unions for higher wages for their members; 再次要求提高工资; ~ after ~ of cheers, successive bursts of cheering; 一次连一次的欢呼; have only three ~ of ammunition left, enough to fire three times. 灵剩下三发弹药。 6 song for several persons or groups, the second singing the first line while the first is singing the second line, etc. 轮唱曲。 7 dance in which so as to be on all sides of: (表示位置)围绕: They were sitting ~ the table. 他府正环桌而坐。 He had a scarf ~ his neck. 他的脖子上围着一条围巾。 4 in various or all directions: 在各处或到处: He looked . ~ the room. 他在室内四处环顾。 Shall I show you ~ the house, ie take you to the various rooms, etc? 要我领你参观这座房子吗? 5 to or at various points away from-the centre: 至或在离开中心之各点: The captain stationed his fielders ~ the pitch. 队长把他的外场员配置在三柱门四周之各点。附 e haven't time to go ~ (= to visit) the museums and art galleries. 我们没有时间去参观博物馆和美术陈列馆了。 6 ~ (about), (fig) approximate(ly): (喻)大约(地): Come ~ about 2 o'clock. 在两点钟左右来。 He's ready to pay somewhere ~ £1000 for a car. 他准备以一千镑左右买一部车。 the dancers move in a circle. 圆舞。




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