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单词 road
释义 road /raud; rod/ n [C] 1 specially prepared way, publicly or privately owned, between places for the use of pedestrians, riders, vehicles, etc: 公路; 道路: main and minor ~s; 主要道路和辅助道路; (at-trib) (形容用法) junctions; 道路交叉处; a '-map of Great Britain (Cf a street-map of London); 大不列顚道路交通图 (参较:伦敦街道图);' ~ accidents; 交通事件; 车祸; ~ works in progress, ~s under construction or repair. 修筑中之道路。 on the travelling: 在途中; 靛行中: How long were you on the road? How long did your journey take? 你在路上走了多久? rule of the ~, custom which regulates the side to be taken by vehicles, ships, etc when meeting or passing each other. 交通规则。 take th ~, start a journey. 出发; 启程。 take to the ~, become a tramp. 成为流浪者。 ' ~ safety, safety from traffic dangers: 主畐安. 全: a campaign for ~ safety, for preventing ~ accidents. 交通安全运动。 2 (compounds) (复合字) '~-bed n foundation of rock, stones, etc on which the surface of a ~ is laid. (以石头等舗筑之) 路基。 'l block n barricade built across a ~ to stop or slow down traffic (eg by police to catch an escaped prisoner or by military authorities during a period of political disturbances). 路障 (例如警方为逮捕逃犯或在政治騒动期间军事当局在道路上拦起之障碍物,以拦截车辆或使之减低车速) 。 '~book n book describing the ~s of a country, with itineraries (for tourists, etc). 道路指南 (简芥一个国家内的道路的书籍,有为观光者等列出的旅行路线) 。 ~ hog n (colloq) motorist who is reckless and inconsiderate of others. (M) 鲁莽而不顾他人的汽车驾驶者。 J-house n building(s) on a main ~, often one with facilities for meals, dancing, etc used by people who travel by car. 公路上供开汽车旅行名休息之客桟 (通常供餐饮、跳舞等) 。 '~man /-maen; -man/,' ~-mender n man who repairs ~s, 修路工人。 '~-metal n stone used for making and repairing ~s. 铺路碎石。 '~sense n capacity for intelligent behaviour on ~s, eg the avoidance of accidents: 在路上安全开车之能力; 避免在路上发生意外之能力: Harry/Harry's dog has no ~ sense. 哈利 (哈利的狗) 没有在道路上避免发生意外的能力。 ' ~ show n (US) theatrical performance by a touring company. (M) 旅行剧团之演出。 '~side n bordering of a ~: 路边; 路旁: (attrib) (形容用法) ~side flowers/irms. 路旁的花 (客店 ) o'— way n (usu with def art) central part used by wheeled traffic (contrasted with the footpath, etc): (通常与定冠词连用) 车道 (与 footpath 等相对): Dogs should be kept off the ~ way. 狗虑该远雌车道。 '~worthy adj (of a motor-vehicle, etc) fit for use on the ~s. (指车辆等) 适合在道路上行驶的。 3 one's way or route: 途径; 路线: You're in the/my ~, in my way, obstructing me. 你挡住了我的路 (你妨碍了我) 。 4 ~ to. (fig) way of getting to: (喻) (导致…之) 途径; Is excessive drinking the ~ to ruin? 过度饮酒会使人趋于堕落吗? There's no royal ~ to wisdom, no easy way, royal. 学识无捷径。 5 (in proper names) (弟于专有名词中) (a) the ... R~, name of a ~ leading to the town, etc named: 通往所指出名称之城市等的路名: the Oxford R~, leading to Oxford; 牛津大道 (通往牛津之路); the Great West R~, from London to the West of England. 西部大道 (从伦敦通往英格兰西部的公路) 。 (b)... R~/Rd, street of buildings: 街; 路: 35 York Rd, London, SW16. 伦敦西南十六区约克路三十五号。 6 (usu pl) stretch of water near the shore in which ships can ride at anchor: (通常用复数) 近岸可供船只停泊的水域; 锚地; 停泊区域: anchored in the ~s. 在停泊处下锚。 7 (US) (美) → railway, '~less adj having no ~京没有窿的。 '~stead /-sted; -,st£d/ n = road (6).




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