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单词 rise
释义 rise2,/raiz; raiz/ vi (pt rose) /rsoz; roz/, pp risen /'nzn; 'rxzn/ [VP2A, B, C, 3A, 4A] ~ (up). 1 (of the sun, moon, stars) appear above the horizon: (指日,月,星) 升起: The sun ~s in the East. 太阳在东方升起。 Has the moon ~ ” yet? 月已升起否? csetl (1). 2 get up from a lying, sitting or kneeling position: 从躺、坐、跪之姿势起身: He rose to welcome me. 他起身欢迎我。 The wounded man fell and was too weak to ~. 那受伤的人映倒,无力爬起。 The horse rose on its hind legs. 那马用后腿站起。 On rising from table..., leaving the table at the end of the meal.... 盆后离桌时…。 Parliament will ~ on Thursday next, cease to sit for business, start the recess. 国会下星期四休会。 The House rose at 10pm, ended its discussions, etc. 议院下午十时停止议事。 3 get out of bed; get up (which is commoner): 起床 (get up 较常用): He ~s very early. 他起床宣早。 4 come to life (again, from the dead) : 复活; 复苏: Jesus Christ rose (again) from the dead. 灰稣套督死后复活。 Christ is ~ (as an Easter greeting). 基督复活了 (用作复活节之祝贺语) 。 He looks as though he had ~n from the grave. 他的样子好像是刚从坟墓中爬出来。 5 go, come, up or higher; reach a high (er) level or position: ±升; 上涨〉 The smoke from our fire rose straight up in the still air. 我们所生的火冒出的烟在无风的空气中衰员上升。 The river/flood, etc has ~ ” two feet. 河水候水等) 上涨两呎。 His voice rose in anger/excitement, etc, became high, shrill. 在愤怒 (兴奋等) 中他的声音提高了。 Sugar has ~〃 a penny a pound. 糖价毎磅涨了一便士。 Prices continue to ~. 物价继亩上涨。 The mercury in the barometer is rising. 气哒计的水银柱正在上升。 The bread won't The dough will not swell with the yeast. 面包不会膨松起来 (面发不起来) 。 New office blocks are rising in our town. 新的办公大楼在我们镇上建造起来 To 'high- ~ attrib adj having many storeys: 有许多层的: high- ~ flats/office-blocks. 有许多层的公寓 (办公大楼) 。 skyscraper at sky (1). the rising generation, young people who are growing up. (正在成长的) 年轻的一代。 rising twelve, etc, (of a person) nearing the age of twelve, etc, (指人) 近十二岁等。 6 develop greater intensity or energy: 费展成较大的强度或能力: The wind is rising. 风势正增瘟。 His colour rose, He became flushed. 他脸红了。 7 come to the surface: 升到表面: The velop powers equal to. 有应付…之能力。 ~ to the occasion/chatlenge/task, etc, prove oneself able to deal with an unexpected problem, a difficult task, etc. 有随机应变(接受挑战,完成贱难任务等)之能力。 11 slope upwards: 渐渐高起: rising ground. 渐渐高起之地。 12 have as a starting-point: 以…为起源; 源于: Where does the Nile ~? 尼罗河发源何处? The quarrel rose from a mere trifle. 争步起于琐事。 13 ~ against, rebel (against the government, etc). 反叛(政府等) e ris ing n (esp).armed outbreak; rebellion. (尤指)武装暴动; 叛变。 fish were rising, coming to the surface for food. 鱼正游上水面 They say a drowning man ~s three times. 据说一个将淹死的人会浮上水面三次。 Bubbles rose from the bottom of the lake. 水泡从湖底冒到湖面来。 8 become or be visible above the surroundings: 因高出周围环境而变得可见或能看见; 突出: A range of hills rose on our left. 一列小山在我们左方出现。 9 reach a higher position in society; make progress (in one's profession, etc): 社会地位提高; 升级; 晋升; (在事业等中) 进步: ~ in the world; 发迹; 出头; ~ to greatness; 成为伟大人物; ~ from the ranks, ie to be an officer; 从行伍升为童官; a rising young politician/lawyer. — 事业蒸蒸日上的年轻从政者 (律师) 。 10 ~ to, de-




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