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单词 ride
释义 ride2 /raid; raid/ vi, vt (pt rode) /rood; rod/, pp ridden /'ndn; 'ndn/ 1 [VP2A, B, C, 4A] sit on a horse, etc and be carried along; sit on a bicycle, etc and cause it to go forward: 骑马 (等); 骑脚踏车 (等): He jumped on his horse and rode off/ away. 他跃上马育驰骋而去。 He was riding fast. 他骑马急驰 (或骑脚踏车等飞奔) 。 ~ for a fall, ride recklessly; (fig) act in such a way that failure or disaster is probable. 骑马横冲直撞; (喻) 卤莽行事。 2 [VP6A] sit on and control: 骑 (马等); 乘 (车等): -a horse/pony/bicycle. 骑马 (小马,脚踏车) 。 3 [VP2A, C, 4A] be in, and be carried in, a cart, bus or other vehicle: 乗坐车辆或其他陆上交通工具: ~ in a bus; 乗公共汽车; ~ in/on a cart. 乘二轮马车。 4 [VP6A] compete in, on horseback, etc: 比赛骑马或驾车: ~ a race. 赛马; 赛车。 5 [VP2C, 3A] ~ on, sit or go or be on sth, esp astride, as if on a horse: 如骑马般跨坐或行进: The boy was riding on his father's shoulders. 那男孩正跨童在他父亲的肩上。 6 [VP15A] allow (sb) to ~ (5): 让 (某人) 骑坐: Shall I ~ you on my shoulders/ knees? 你跨坐在我的肩 (膝) 上好吗? 7 [VP2A] go out regularly on horseback (as a pastime, for exercise, etc): 经常竖马外出 (作为娱乐或运动等) : I've given up riding. 我已放弃骑马。 ~ to hounds, go fox-hunting. 去猎狐。 8 [VP6A] go through or over on horseback, etc: 骑马等穿越或跃过: ~ the prairies/the desert. 骑马穿过大草原 (大沙漠) 。 9 [VP2B] (of a jockey or other person) weigh when ready for riding: (指骑师或其他人) 出赛前量体重: He ~s 9 stone, 6 pounds. 他出赛前重九岫六磅。 10 [VP2D] (of ground, etc) be in a specified condition for riding on (usu on horseback): (指地面等) 成某种供骑乘 (通常指骑马) 的特殊情况: The heavy rain made the course ~ soft. 大雨使那跑马场变成整软 (骑起马来觉得地面很松软) 。 The ground rode hard after the frost. 降霜后的地面骑起马来很坚硬。 11 [VP6A, 2C] float on: 漂浮于; 漂行; 航行: a ship riding the waves; —18 乘风破浪的船; float on water: 停泊水上 a ship riding at anchor; —- 艘抛锚停泊的船; be supported by: 被…所支撑: an albatross riding (on) the wind. 一只御风飞行的信天翁。 The moon was riding high, appeared high as if floating. 月亮高悬天空。 ~ out s storm, (of a ship) come safely through it; (fig) come safely through trouble, attack, controversy, etc. (指船) 安然度过狂风暴雨; (喻) 平安度过困难、攻击、争辩等。 I sth ~. (colloq) take no action on it; leave things to take their natural course. (俗) 听真自然。 12 ~ sb down, a chase (on horseback) and catch up with. 藤马追上。 b direct one's horse at'sb so as to let the horse knock him down: 策马撞倒: ~ down a fugitive. 策马撞倒一逃犯。 13 [VP2C] ~ up, eg of an article of clothing, shift or move upwards, out of place. (如衣服等) 往上滑而离开了原来的位置。 14 ridden pp tyrannized, dominated: 受…压迫的; 受…控制的 .ridden by fears/prejudices; . 充满恐惧 (偏见) 的; 'pest-ridden. 满是害虫的。




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