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单词 rich
释义 rich /ritj; ntf/ adj (-er, -est) 1 having much money or property: 富有的: the ~ and the poor, ~ people and poor people. 富人和穷人。 2 costly; splendid; luxurious: 昂贵的; 华丽的; 豪华的: ~ clothes/jewels/furniture. 华丽的衣服(昂贵的珠宝; 豪华的家其)。 3 ~ in, producing or having much or many; abundant: 多的; 富于… 的; 丰饶的 ~ in minerals; 麟蔵丰饶的; an art gallery ~ in paintings by the Dutch masters. 一个收藏了很多荷兰大师的昼的 UWo 4 (of food) containing a large proportion of fat, oil, butter, eggs, etc: (指食物)含大量脂肪、 油、牛油、蛋类等的; 油腻的: a ~ fruit cake; 含大量油脂的水果饼; a ~ diet. 油腻的食物。 5 (of colours, sounds, etc) full; deep; mellow; strong: (指颜色、 声音等)宏亮淸晰的; 深沉的; 柔和的; 浓厚的 : 血 ~ colours of the begonias; 秋海棠的鲜丽颜色; ~ tones; 宏亮的声调; the ~ voice of the baritone. 男中音宏亮的声音。 6 (colloq) highly entertaining; giving opportunities for humour: (俗)非常有趣的; 很好笑的: “ ~ joke; 一个非常有趣的笑话; 。 ~ incident. 一件很好笑的事。 That's ~! (often ironic). 真好笑! 真有趣 !( 通常含有讽刺意味)。 ~ly adv 1 in a ~ manner: 富裕地; 华丽地; 富丽地; 丰饶地; 浓郁地: ~ly dressed. 衣着富丽。 2 (esp) (尤用于) ~ly deserved, thoroughly; fully: 彻底地; 充分地: He ~ly deserved the punishment he received. 他所受到的处罚实专是罪有应得。 ~ness n [U] quality or state of being ~ (but not usu in sense of 1 above). 富丽、肥沃、丰饶、柔和、低沉、浓郁等的性质或状况。




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