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单词 review
释义 review /n'vju:; n'vju/ vt, vi 1 [VP6A] consider or examine again; go over again in the mind: 再考虑; 再检査; 检讨; 回顾; 复习: ~ the past- 回顾过去; ~ last week's lesson. 温习上礼拜的功课。 2 [VP6A] inspect formally (troops, a fleet, etc), 正式检阅; 校阅(部队、舰队等)。 3 [VP6A, 2A, C] write an account of (new books, etc) for newspapers and other periodicals: (为报纸或期刊)写(新书等)之评论: His new novel has been favourably ~ed. 他新写的小说已得到有利的批评。 Mr Hay ~s for The Spectator'. 黑伊先生为'观察报'写书评。 1 [U] act of ~ing(1). 检讨; 回顾; 温习。 come under ~, be considered or examined. 被考虑或受检査。 [C] instance of such ~ing: 检讨、回顾、温习的实例: ~ of the year's sporting events. 检讨一年中的运动项目。 2 [C] inspection of military, naval, etc forces: 军事检阅: hold a ~. 举行军事检阅。 3 [C] article that Critically examines a new book, rent events, ~s of new books, etc. 评论性杂志 (刊载时事、新书等之评论文章的杂志) 。 ~er 〃 person who writes ~s (of books, etc). 评论家; 书评家。 etc: 书评文章; 评论: write ~s for the monthly magazines; 写书评; a ~ copy of a book, one presented by the publishers to the editor of a periodical for ~. 出版商送给杂志编辑以供写书评之用的书。 4 [C] periodical with articles on cur-




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