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单词 reveal
释义 reveal /n'vi: l; Evil/ vt [VP6A, 14, 9, 25] ~ (to), 1 allow or cause to be seen; display: 亩示廊出: His worn jacket ~ed his elbows. 仙的破毎上表使他露出了肘部。 2 make known: 泄露; 透露: ~ a secret. 泄露一秘密。 One day the truth about these events will be ~ed. 这些事件总有一天会真相大白的。 The doctor did not ~ to him his hopeless condition. 曹生未向他透露他那已无希望的病祝。 Research has ~ed him to be/ ~ed that he was the father of twelve children. 调査结果显示了他是一个有十二个攻子的父亲。 ~ed religion, religion believed to be taught to mankind directly by God. 默示敎; 天启敎(被认为系直接由上帝启示于人类的宗敎)。




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