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单词 return
释义 return1 /n'txn; n'tJn/ n 1 [C, U] ~ing or being ~ed; coming, going, giving, sending, putting, back: 回来; 归去; 归还; 送回; 放回: 0 ~ home; 归家; on my ~, when I got/get back; 在我归来时; a poor ~ for kindness, (eg) ungrateful behaviour; 对仁慈的一个卑劣的报答(如忘恩负义的行为); the ~ of spring; 春之归来; have a ~ of the symptoms (of an illness). (M 病的)征候复发。 by ~, by the next post out: 由原(下)班邮递: Please send a reply by ~. 请即回示(由原班邮递惠覆)。 in ~ ( for as repayment (for), 以为报答; 回报; 回礼。 Many happy ~ (of the day), phrase used as a greeting on sb's birthday. (生日贺辞)祝你长命百岁。 sale or ~, (of goods in commerce) supplied (to retailers) on the understanding that they may be ~ed to the wholesaler or manufacturer if not sold. 卖不掉时可退货的(指供给零售商之货物,经双方协议,未售出之货物可退给批发商或厂商)。 a/the point of no ~, (on a long voyage, flight across an ocean, etc) point at which fuel supplies, etc are insufficient for a ~ to the starting-point, so that continuation of the voyage, etc is essential; (fig) stage of negotiations at which no further progress seems possible. 不能回转点(在横越海洋等的长途航行或飞行中,、届临燃料等供应不足以维持返回原地故必须继续前行之地点); (喻)谈判时无任何进展之阶段。 2 (attrib) involving going back or coming back, etc: (形容用法)归去的; 回来的: the ~ voyage. 回航。 ~fare, needed for the journey both there and back. (车、船等之)来回费用。 ~half, the half of a ~ ticket for the journey back. 回程票。 ~ match, one played between teams which have already played one match. (已经比赛过一次的两队间的)再次比氤 ' ~ ticket, one giving a traveller the right to go to a place and back to his starting-point (US 美 = two-way ticket). 来回票。 ,day-'~,~ ticket available only for the day of issue: 音天来回票: Two day- ~s to London, please. 请卖给我两张去伦敦的当天来回票。 3 (often pl) profit on an investment or undertaking: (常用复数)利润; 赢利: get a good ~ on an investment; 在一投资上获得优厚的利润; small profits and quick ~s, motto for shops that rely on large sales and quick turnover. 亩利多销。 4 [C] official report or statement, esp one that is compiled by order: 正式的报吿或陈述(尤指受命而为者): make one's ~ of income (to the Inspector of Taxes for purposes of income tax); (为纳所得税向税务稽査)申报所得; the election figures of the voting at an election. 选举报吿(选票数字之报吿)。 re-turn1 /n'txn; n'tjn/ vi, vt 1 [VP2A, C, 3A, 4A] ~ (to) (from), come or go back: 両来; 归去: ~ home; 回泰; ~ to London; 回伦敦; ~ from a journey; 旅行回来; ~ to Paris from London. 从伦敦回巴黎。 He ~ e 力 to collect his money. 他回来血取他的钱。 I shall ~ to this point later in my lecture. 我稍后将在讲演中回头讨论这一点。 2 [VP3A] ~ to, pass or go back to a former state: 回复到以前状麻: He has ~ed to his old habits. 他又板复了血药旧习惯。 After death animal bodies ~ (-change) to dust. 动物死后尸体又化为尘土。 3 [VP6A] (rare) reply; retort: (罕)回答; 反驳: 'Not this time', he ~ed. '这次不行',他回答说。 4 [VP6A, 12A, 13A] give, put, send, pay, carry, back: 归还; 放回; 送回; 偿还; 带回: When will you ~ (me) the book I lent you? 你什么时候把我借给你的那本书还我呢? In case of non-delivery, ~ to (the) sender, often written on letters sent by post. 无法投 ig 时,退回原处。 All books are to be ~ed to the library before Friday. 星期五前所有借阅书籍必须归还图书馆。 He ~ed the blow (ie hit back) smartly. 他狠狠' 地还击一拳。 She ~ed the .compliment, said sth pleasant after a compliment had been paid to her. 她答谢别人对她表示的敬意。 ~ thanks, express thanks, esp by saying grace before a meal, or in response to a toast. 致谢; 感谢(尤用于饭前祷吿或回答举杯祝贺)。 ~ed empties, empty bottles, crates, etc ~ed to the sender for re-use. 归还送乗者(以便再使用)的空瓶、空篮等。 5 [VP6A, 16A] (of a constituency) send (sb) as representative to Parliament. (指一选区之选民)选出(某人)为国会议员疽 ~ing officer n official in charge of a Parliamentary election and announcing the name of the person elected, 负责国会议员选举及公布当选人名单之官员。 6 [VP6A, 15A] state or describe officially, esp in answer to a demand: 正式宣布或说明(尤指应一项要求而做出者): ~ .the details of one's income (for taxation purposes); 申报个人综合所得(为了纳税); liabilities ~ed at £2000. 宣布为两千镑之债务。 The prisoner was ~ed guilty. 该囚犯被宣吿有罪。 The jury ~ed a verdict of guilty. 陪审团宣判有罪。 7 [VP6A] give as a profit: 生(利): an investment that ~s a good interest. 有很岸莉润的投资。 ~able /-abl; -sbl/ adj that can be, or is to be, ~ed. 可退还的; 必奴送还的。




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