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单词 reserve
释义 reserve1 /n'z3:v; ri'zsv/ n 1 [C] sth that is being or has been stored for later use: 贮以待用之物: a ~ of food; 存粮; the bank's ~s, ie of money; 银行的储备金; the company's its undivided profits; 商行之公积金 (未分派之利润); the 'gold ~, ie to cover the issue of notes; (银行发行钞票之) 黄金准备; (attrib) (形容用法) a '~ fund; 准备金; 预备金; his ~ strength. 他所储亩的气力。 2 (mil) military forces kept back for use when needed. (军) 预庸队; 后备军。 3 the R~, forces outside the regular Navy, Army and Air Force, liable to be called out if needed. (正规之海陆空军以外的) 后备海军、陆军及空军; 预备役。 4 [U] in ~, kept back unused, but available if needed: 储藏; 保留: have/hold a little money in ~. 储存一些缝。 5 [C] place or area reserved for some special use or purpose: 留待专用的地方或区域: a 'game ~, eg in Africa, for the preservation of wild animals; 猎物保留地; 禁猎区 (如非洲之野生动物保护区); a 'forest ~. 森林保留地; 保留林。 6 [C, U] (instance of) limitation or restriction; condition that limits or restricts: 限制; 节制; 限制或节制的实例、状况: We accept your statement without> ~, believe it completely; 我们完全相信你的陈述。 He has put a ~ price on his house, has fixed a price less than which will not be accepted. 他已替他的房子定下最低售价。 He has placed a ~ on the painting, ie a ~ price, 他已定下那张画的最低售价。 7 [U] self-control in speech and behaviour; keeping silent or saying little; not showing one's feelings: 言行之自制; 缄默; 含蓄; 冷淡: ~ of manner; 态度之冷淡; break through sb's ~, get him to talk and be sociable. 打破某人之缄默 (使之说话而随和) 。 reservist /n'zxvist; n'za'vist/ n soldier or sailor belonging to the Army or Navy R~. (后备陆海军之) 后备兵; 预备人员。 → 3 above. 参看上列第 3 义。




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