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单词 require
释义 require /ri'kwaia(r); n'kwair/ vt 1 [VP6A, D, 9] need; depend on for success, fulfilment, etc: 需要; 依靠…而成功,完成等: We ~ extra help. 我们需要额外的帮助。 Does this machine ~ much attention? 这机器需要经常照料吗? The situation there ~s that I should be present. 那边的情况需要我到场。 2 [VP6A, 9, 14, 17] ~ sth (of sb); ~ sb to do sth; ~ that... , (often passive) (formal) order; demand; insist upon as a right or by authority: (常用被动语态)(正式用语)命令; 要求; (作为权利或依据权利而)坚持: Students are to take three papers in English literature. 按规定所有学生都要答三份英国文学的试卷。 What do you ~ of me? 你对我有何要求 '? is ~d that you arrive at 8 am. 你必须上午八时到达。 I have done all that is ~d by law. 我已照戒律所规定的一切做了。 These books are ~d reading 、 must be read, eg for an examination. 这些书是指定的读物。 ~ment n sth ~d or needed: 妻求或金要之物; 需求; 必要条件; 规定: fulfil the aments of the law; 履行法律之规定; meet sb's ~ merits, do what he wants done. 满足某人的要求。




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