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单词 represent
释义 represent1 /.repri'zent;, repn'ren1/ vt 1 [VP6A] be, give, make, a picture, sign, symbol or example of: 表示; 表现; 象征: Phonetic symbols ~ sounds. 音标表示声音。 This painting ~s a hunting scene. 这是一幅出猎图。 The new ambassador ~s the best traditions of his country. 这位新大使表现了其国家最好的传统。 2 [VP16A, 25, 9] declare to be; describe (as)-, allege (that...): 声称; 宣称(与 as 连用): He ~ed himself as an expert. 他魏言自己是一位专家。 I am not what you have ~ed me to be. 我并不是像你所说的那种人。 3 [VP6A, 9, 14] ~ sth (to sb), explain; make clear: 说明; 使明白: Let me try to ~ my ideas to you in another way/in different terms. 让我试用另外一种方式(不同的说法)向你说明我的想法。 4 [VP6A, 14, 9] ~ sth (to sb), convey; express: 传达; 表达: They ~ed their grievances to the Governor. 他们向总唇陈情。 I will ~ to him the risks he is running. 我将向他说明他所冒的危险。 He ~ed to the magistrates that the offender was only a child. 他向地方法官说明犯罪者仅是个小孩子。 5 [VP6A] act or speak for; be MP for; be agent for: 代表; 为…国会议员; 代理: members (ie MP's) ~ing Welsh constituencies. 代表威尔斯各选区的国会议员们。 Many countries were ~ed by their ambassadors at the Independence Day celebrations. 庆祝美国狷立纪念日时,许多国家都派其大使代表参加。 Our firm is ~ed in India and Pakistan by Mr Hall. 本商号在印度和巴基斯坦的代表是贺尔先生。 6 [VP6A] act (a play, etc); play the part of, on the stage. 演出(戏等); 扮演:角色。 ~a tion /jepnzen'teijn; , repnren'1e/sn/ n 1 [U] ~ing or being ~ed; [C] that which is ~ed: 表示; 象征; 声言; 陈述; 说明; 代表; 演出; 扮演; 所表示、声言、说明、代表、扮演等之事物: no taxation without nation, ie citizens should not be taxed without being ~ed (in Parliament, etc); 议会中无代表者不应纳税; an unusual nation of 'Hamlet'. 一次不同凡响的'哈姆雷特'的演出。 proportional ~-ation, an electoral system designed so that minority parties, etc are ~ed (in a legislative assembly) in proportion to their strength. 比例代表制(少数党按其实力之大小推选代表的一种选举制度)。 2 [C] (esp) polite protest or remonstrance: (尤指)有礼貌的抗议; 陈情: make nations to the Inspector of Taxes about an excessive assessment. 就过高估税向税务稽查官陈情。




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