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单词 repose
释义 repose2 /n'pauz; n'poz/ vt, vi (formal) (正式用语) 1 [VP6A, 15A, 2A, C] rest; give rest or support to: 休息; 使休息或依靠: a girl reposing in a hammock; 在吊床上休息的女郎; ~ one's head on a cushion; 将头靠在垫子上; ~ onself. 休息; 歇息。 Below this stone ~ the mortal remains of.... 在此石块下长眠的是…的遗骸。 2 [VP3A] ~ on, be based or supported on. 依靠。 n [U] (formal) (正式用语) 1 rest; sleep: 昧:息; 睡眠: earn a night's ~; 获得一夜的睡眠; disturb sb's ~. 打扰某人的安眠。 Her face is beautiful in ~. 她的面貌在滩眠中很美。 2 peaceful, restful or quiet behaviour or appearance: 安静曲行为或外表: His attitude lacked ~, ease of manner. 他的态度不安详。 ~ful /-fl; -fl/ adj calm; quiet. 安静的; 沉静的。




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