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单词 report
释义 report2 /n'pat; n'port/ vt, vi 1 [VP6A, D, 9, 25, 3A, 15B] give an account of (sth seen, heard, done, etc); give as news: 报导; 报吿(所见,所闻,所做等的事物); 当作新闻叙述: The discovery of a new planet has been ~ed. 据报导已发现一颗新行星。 It is ~ed that another earth satellite has been put into orbit. 据报导另一地球卫星已被射入轨道。 They ~ed the enemy to be ten mile away. 他们说敌人在十哩外。 ~ed having seen the escaped convict. MW 必畚看见那个逃凯 ~ on sth, give news about or comment on it: 报导某事; 评论某事: Jim's been sent to Hong Kong to ~ on the situation there. 吉姆已被派往香港报导该地之情形。 ~ sth out, (US) return it with comment: (美)送回并附审查意见: The committee ~ed the proposal out in record time. 委员会以无比的快速送回该提案并附加审查意见。 ~ progress, state what has been done so far, 报吿经过或进展情形。 ~ed!ly adv according to report(s). 据报导; 据说。 2 [VP6A, 2A] take down (eg in shorthand) the words of speeches, etc for newspapers, etc: 为报馆等记录(如用速记)演说词等: ~ a speech/a Parliamentary debate; 写新闻稿报导演说(国会辩论); ~ for 'The Times,, be a correspondent on its staff. 担任'泰晤士报'的记者。 ~ed speech, = indirect speech. → indirect. 3 [VP3A, 14, 15A] ~ (oneself) (to sb/sth) (for sth), go (somewhere), and announce that one has come, that one is ready for work, duty, etc: (向某处)报到; 到差; 复命: ~ for duty at the office; 到办公室报到; ~ to the Manager. 向经理复命。 The officer was told to ~ (himself) to headquarters. 钵军官奉命前往司令部报到。 4 [VP6A, 14] ~ sb/sth (to sb) (for sth), make a complaint against sb (to authorities) : (向当局)吿发福举: ~ an official for insolence. 皆发一宜员无礼 c I shall have to ~ your unpunctuality to the Manager. 我势将向经理举发您不守时。 ~ .age /,rep2: 'ta: z; n'portids/ n [U] (typical style of) ~ing events for newspapers. 新厕报导; 新闻报导式的文体。 ~er n person who ~s for a newspaper, for radio or TV. 记者; 通讯员。




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