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单词 repel
释义 repel /n'pei; n'pei/ vt (II) [VP6A] 1 drive back or away; ref use to accept: 以退; 翳开; 拒绝: ~the enemy/temptation; 击退敌人(拒绝诱惑) a young man's advances, discourage him. 拒绝一位年轻人的友谊或求爱。 2 cause a feeling of dislike in: 使厌恶; 匝不愉快: His long, rough beard ~led her. 他的长而粗的胡子使她厌恶。 ~ lent /-ant; -ant/ adj tending to ~; unattractive; uninviting: 逐退的;驱开的; 讨人嫌的; 讨厌的: ~ 心 work/food. 讨厌的工作(食物)。 His manner is rather ~ lent. 他的,态度颇寿入诙息。 n [U] sth that ~s, esp a preparation that ~s insects: 令人厌恶之物; (尤指)驱虫剂: Smear some of this mosquito ~ on your legs. 搽一些骗蚊剂在你的腿上。




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