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单词 regret
释义 regret1 /n'gret; n'gret/ n 1 [U] feeling of sadness at the loss of sth, or of annoyance or disappointment because sth has or has not been done: 悲悼; 惋惜; 懊悔; 抱域; 抱歉: express ~ at not being able to help; 为戒不上忙而表示抱歉、 hear with ~ that a friend is ill. 遗憾地听到一位朋友生病了。 Much to my ~ I am unable to accept your kind invitation. 我不能接受你盛意的邀请,深感抱歉。 2 (pl) (in polite expressions of refusal, etc) : (复) (用作礼貌的谢绝语金): Please accept my ~s at having to refuse. 不能奉约,谨致歉意。 He refused with many ~ s/ with much 他非常客气地拒绝了。 I have no ~s, do not feel sorry (about what I did, etc). 我不感到遗憾; 我毫不后后。 ~ful /-fl; -fl/ adj sad; sorry. 哀惜的; 遗憾的:抱歉的。 ~fully /-fall; -fli/ adv sadly; with ~. 哀惜地; 遗憾地; 抱歉地。




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