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单词 regiment
释义 regiment /'redsimant; 're6zsmsnt/ n [C] (cavalry and artillery) unit divided into squadrons or batteries and commanded by a colonel; (GB infantry) organization usu based on a city or county, with special traditions and dress, represented in the field by battalions: (骑兵和炮兵) 团; (英国步兵) 通常根据城市或郡所构成的军事组织,以营为单位,各有其独特的传统和服装: the 1st battalion of the Manchester R~. 曼彻斯特步兵团的第一营。 ~ of, large number: 多数; 大群: -whole ~s of starlings. 一群群的欧掠鸟。 vt [VP6A] organize; discipline: 组痛; 控制: ~ the workers of a country. 组织一国的主入。 reg i men ta tion /jedjimen'teiJn; , rr6zs-men'te/sn/ n [U] subjection to control; strict political discipline (as in a police state). 统制; (如警察国家中的) 严格管制。 -




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