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单词 refresh
释义 refresh /n'fref; rffrej/ vt [VP6A] 1 give new strength to; make fresh: 给予新力量; 使精神爽快: ~ oneself with a cup of tea/a warm bath. 喝杯苯 (洗个热水澡) 提神。 2 ~ one's memory, call things back to the memory by referring to notes, etc. 唤起记忆。 3 take sth to eat or drink: 吃东西; 喝饮料: They stopped at a pub to ~ themselves. 他们在酒馆停下来,喝几杯酒。 They felt much ~ed. 他们觉得喝够 (吃饱) 了。 ~ing adj 1 strengthening; giving rest and relief: 给人力量的; 使人恢复体力的; 使人精神爽快的: a ~ing breeze/sleep. 使人心喊神怡的微风 (使人恢复体力的睡眠) 。 2 welcome and interesting because rare or unexpected: (因稀罕或出乎意料而) 令人欣喜的; 新奇的:~匝 innocence, eg of children to older, sophisticated persons. 令人喜爱的天真。 ~ing ly adv




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