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单词 reflect
释义 reflect /n'flekt; n'ftekt/ vt, vi 1 [VP6A] (of a surface) throw back (light, heat, sound); (of a mirror) send back an image of: ' ( 指表面) 反妨 (光,热,声); (指镜) 反映…之像: The sunlight was ~ed from the -water. 日光由水面反射出来。 Look at the trees ~ed in the lake. 看湖中倒映的树影。 The moon shines with ~ed light. 月以反玷乏关照耀。 The sight of my face ~ed in the mirror never 'pleases me. 我永远不喜欢看自己在镜中反映出的脸孔。 '~ing telescope, one in which the image is ~ed in a mirror and magnified. 反射望远镜。 2 [VP6A] express; show the nature of: 表昙; 表现 … Z 性质: Her sad looks ~ed the thoughts passing through her mind. 她忧戚的面容反映出她内心的思想。 Does the literature of a nation ~ its politics? 一个国家的文学反映出它的政治鸣? 3 [VP14] ~ sth on/upon sb, (of actions, results) bring (credit or discredit upon) : (指行动,结果) 带给 (荣异或玷辱): The results ~ the greatest credit upon all concerned. 这些成绩带给所有打关人员最大的荣骤。 Such behaviour can only ~ discredit upon you 这样的行为只能给你带来耻辱。 4 [VP3A] ~ on/ upon, bring discredit upon; hurt the good reputation of: 不信任; 玷辱名理: I do not wish to ~ upon your sincerity, suggest that you are not sincere. 我不希坚怀疑你的诚意。 Your rude behaviour ~s only upon yourself, You are the only person whose reputation is hurt by it. 你的粗仓行为只会损及你自己的名誉。 5 [VP2A, 3A, 9, 8, 10] ~ (on/ upon), consider; think on: 考虑; 思考: I must ~ upon what answer to give/hoyv to answer that ref lection/ref resher 962 question. 我必须思考一下如何答复 (如何答复那个问题) 。 He ~ed how difficult it would be to escape. 他在想逃走会有多么困难。




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