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单词 refer
释义 refer /n'fxfr); ri'5/ vt, vi (-rr-) 1 [VP14, 15B] ~ sb/sth (back) (to sb/sth), send, take, hand over (to, back to) to be dealt with, decided, etc: 送交; 呈交; 提交 (某人或某机构) 处理或决定: The dispute was ~ red to the United Nations. 该项争执已提交联合国处理。 I ~red to the Manager/ to the Inquiry Office. 我被吩咐去向经理 (问讯处) 接治。 The question was ~ red back, was deferred. 该问题被搁置。 2 [VP3A] ~ to. (of a speaker, what is said, etc) speak of, allude to; apply to: (指讲话者,所谈及之事等) 谈及; 提及; 应用于: When I said that some people are stupid I wasn't ~ ring to you. 当我说某些人很愚蠢的时候,我并不是指你。 Don't ~ to this matter again, please. 请不要再提这件事了。 What 1 have to say ~s to all of you. 我要能的这一切和你们大家有关。 Does that remark ~ to me? 那批评的话是指我说的吗? 3 [VP3A] ~ to. turn to, go to, for information, etc: 参考; 咨询: The speaker often ~ red to his notes. 那演者一再参考他的大细。 referable /ri'fxrabl; 'refrabl/ adj that can be ~red, 可归因瓜…的。




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