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单词 reduce
释义 reduce /n'dju: s US: -'dirs; n'djus/ vt, vi [VP6A, 14] ~ (to), 1 make less; make smaller in size, number, degree, price, etc: 使较少; 使 (体积) 变小; 减少 (数目); 降低 (程度); 减低 (价格) 等: ~ speed/ pressure/costs; 减低速度 (压力,成本 ); ~ one's expenses; 减缩开支; ~ one's weight by ten pounds/ from X pounds to Y pounds. 减逾体童主磅 (自 X 磅减为 Y 磅) 。 He is ~d almost to a skeleton, has become very thin. 他瘦得几乎变成了一个骨头架子。 [VP2A, B] (colloq): (俗) : She has been reducing for the last few weeks, has been dieting (or trying other methods) in order to ~ her weight. 最近几个星期她一直在节食 (或以其他方法) 减轻体重。 2 bring or get to a certain condition, way of living, etc: 促成或达到某种情况、生活方式等: ~ a class of noisy children to order; 使一班吵闹的孩子恢复秩序; ~ sb to silence, cause him to stop talking; 使某人不再讲话; ~ sth to order; 使某事物有规律; ~ the rebels to submission; 使叛徒屈服;. ~ a sergeant to the ranks. 将一士官贬为土兵。 They were ~d to begging or starving, They became so poor that they had either to beg or go hungry. 袍们穷得不行住便挨饿。 They are living in ~d circumstances, in (comparative) poverty. 他们过着 (相当) 贫困的生活。 3 change (to another form): 改变 (成另一形式,与 to 连用): ~ an equation/ar gument/statement to its simplest form; 把一方程式 (论据,陈述) 化成最简单形式; ~ wafer by electrolysis, separate it into oxygen and hydrogen; 以电解法分解未 (即分解为氧与氢): ~ (sth) to an absurdity, make, eg a scheme or argument, appear absurd by removing whatever hides its real nature; (揭洁其真实性质) 使 (某一计划或论据等) 显得荒谬可笑; ~ wood logs to pulp. 把木材化成纸浆。 reducible /-sdl; /-abi adj that can be ~d. 能减低或变小的; 能变形的; 能化简的; 能分解的。




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