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单词 recur
释义 recur /ri'k3:(r); n'k?/ vi (-rr-) 1 [VP2A] come, happen, again; be repeated: 再来; 再发生; 重复: a problem which ~s periodically; 一个定期发生的问单; ~ ring decimals, figures in decimal fractions that ~ in the same order, as 3-999... (written 3-9), 4-014014... (written 4-014), 循环小数,如 3-999- (写作 3-9), 4 014014... (写作 4 014). 2 [VP3A] ~ to, go back (to sth) in words or thought: 在谈话或思想中重回 (到某事物): ~ ring to what you said yesterday; 回到你昨天所说的话题上; if / may ~ to your idea. 如果我可以再谈谈你的意见。 3 [VP3A] ~ to, (of ideas, events etc) come back: (指思想,事件尊) 重现: Afy first meeting with her often ~s to my memory. 我同她首次会面的情景时常重现在我的记忆, 。recurrence /n'kArans; n'ka'ans/ n [C, U] ~ring; repetition: 再发生; 再回到; 重现; 重复: Let there be no ~rence of this error. 不要再有这种错误发生。 The frequent ~rence of these headaches made her life miserable. 头痛经常复发使她生活十分痛苦。 recurrent /-ant; -snl/ adj (of events, fevers etc) ~ring frequently or regularly: (指事件,发烧等) 经常发生的; 周期性发生的: £35 a month for ~ rent expenses, eg rent, lighting and heating. 每月留三十五窈作为经常的费用 (如房租,照明,暖气) 。




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