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单词 record
释义 record1 / reko: d US: 'rekard; 'rekvd/ n 1 [C] written account of facts, events, etc: 记录: a ~ of school attendances/of road accidents; 学生出席 (车祸) 记录; the Public) 宋 ~ Office, one in London where public documents with accounts of events, official acts, etc written down at the time they occur, are stored. (公共) 档案局 (在伦敦,该局保存事件或官方行动等发生时所记录之文件) 。 2 [U] state of being ~ed or preserved in writing, esp as authentic evidence of sth: 记载; 存证: a matter of ~, sth that is established as fact by being ~ed. 有记录可査的事件。 be/go/put sb on ~:有记录; 列入记录; 将…列入记录 It is on ~ that the summer was the wettest for 50 years. 根据记录今 (该) 夏是五十年来雨量最多的季节 don't want to go on ~ /don't want you to put me on ~ as saying that I think the Prime Minister a fool. 我不愿你把我所说'我认为首相是傻瓜'之事列入记录。 off the ~, or sth: 有关某人或某事物的过去的已知事实; 履历; 个案记录: He has an honourable ~ of service/a good ~. 他有光荣的服务记录 (良好的记录) 。 Your - is in your favour, What we know about your past is favourable to you. 你的履历对你有利。 That airline has a bad ~, eg has had many accidents to its aircraft. 那家航空公司记录不佳 (如曾有多次飞机失事) 。 4 [C] sth that provides evidence or information: 供给证据或资料的东西: Our museums are full of ~s of past history. 我们的博物馆有很多过去历史的资料。 7? ~s of ancient civilizations are still being excavated. 古代文明的遗迹仍在不断出土。 5 [C] disc on which sound has been registered; what is ~ed (colloq) not for publication or for recording: (俗) 不公开的; 不发表的; 不记载的; 非正式的: What the President said at his press. conference was off the ~, not to be repeated by the newspaper men there, and not to be used in their reports or articles. 总统在记者招待会上所说的话是不准报纸引述或刊登的。 3 [C] facts known about the past of sb on such a disc: 唱片: 'gramophone ~s. 留声唱片。 recording. '■ player n instrument for reproducing sound f rom discs (often one connected to an external loud-speaker). (电) 唱机。 6 [C] limit, score, point, attainment, mark, etc (high or low), not reached before; (esp in sport) the best yet done: 以前从未达到的 (高或低) 限制、得分、点、 成就、分数等; (尤指运动方面) 最高记录: Which country holds the ~ for the marathon? 哪一个国家保持马拉松赛跑的最快记录? Two ~s fell during the sports meeting at Oslo last week. 上星. 期在奥斯陆举行的运动会上有两项记录被打破了。 (attrib) (形容用法) Hill made a ~ score in the match against Kent, tape, video-tape, film, etc: 写下以作参考; 记录; (以书写或其他方式,如圆片、磁带、录影带、影片等) 记录: This volume ~s the history of the regiment. 这部书记录了该团的历史。 The programme was ~ed. 该节目被录下来了。 Cf 参较 a live' broadcast. 实况广播。 The tape-recorder has ~ed his voice and the camera has ~ed his features. 录音机录下了他的声音,摄影机留下了他的面貌。 ~ing angel, angel who, it is said, ~s men's good and bad actions. 传说中负责记录人之善恶的天使。 2 (of an instrument) mark or indicate on a scale: (指仪器) 标明或指示刻度: The thermometer ~ed 40'C. 寒暑表上指明是摄氏 40-o (cricket) scored a total that was a ~. 在对抗肯特的板球比赛中希尔得到刷新记录的得分。 There was a ~ rice crop in Thailand that year. 那一年泰国的稻谷收成创下了最高记录。 break/beat the ~, do better than has been done before. 打破记录。 Hence, 由此产生, ' ~- breaking adj




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