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单词 recall
释义 recall /ri'kal; n'kol/ vt 1 [VP6A, 14] ~ sb (from/ to), summon back: 召回: ~ an ambassador (from his post/to his own country). (从其驻在地) 召回一大使(返国)。 2 [VP6A, C, 8, 9, 10, 19C] bring back to the mind; recollect: 记起; 忆起: I don't ~ his name/face/meeting him/where I met him. 我不记得他的名字(他的脸,见过他,在什么地方见过他)。 Can you ~ your schooldays? 你能忆起学生时代的情形吗? 3 [VP6A] take back; 'revoke (an order, a decision). 撤销; 取消(订单、决定)。 n 1 summons to return; (esp) summons to an ambassador to return to his own country: 召回; 唤回; (尤指)召回大使 .letters 。) ~. 召回大使之函件; 解任状。 2 [U] ability to remember: 回忆; 回想: a man gifted with instant ~. 一个天生有敏捷记忆力的人。 3 [U] possibility of recalling. 召回, 记起或撤销之可能性。 beyond/past ~, that cannot be brought back or revoked. 不能召回的; 记不起的; 不能撤销的。 4 [C] signal, eg a bugle call, to troops, etc to return: 军队等的召回讯号; 收操(工) 号: sound the 吹收操(工)号。




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