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单词 raise
释义 raise /reiz; rez/ vt [VP6A, 15A, B] 1 lift up; move from a low (er) to a high (er) level; cause to rise: 举起; 升起: ~ a sunken ship to the surface of the sea; 把一艘沉船吊到海面上来; ~ o”e's hat to sb, as a sign of respect; 向某人举帽致敬; ~ one's glass to one's lips; 举杯到唇边; ~ prices; 抬高物价; ~ ( = build, erect) a monument. 建一纪念碑。 ~ o/w's glass to sb, drink his health. 向某人举杯祝贺健康; 向某人敬酒。 ~ one's hand to sb, move as if to give him a blow, 向某人伸筝 (好像要打他的样子) 。 ~ sb's hopes, make him more hopeful. 燃起某人的希望。 ~ a man to the peerage, make him a peer. 盲某人为贵族。 ~ the temperature, (a) make a place warmer. 使温度升高 o b (fig) increase tension, eg by losing one's temper. (喻) 使气氛紧张 (如因发脾气所致) 。 ~ one's voice, speak more loudly or in a higher tone: 提高声晋; 提高嗓子: voices ~d in anger. 咆哮的声存。 2 cause to be upright: 使直立; 扶直: ~ man from his knees; 镁起一跪异的人; ~ the standard of revolt. 母竿而起。 ~ sb from the dead,. restore him to life. 使某人复生。 3 cause to rise or appear: 引起; 掀起; 惹起; 使出现: ~ a cloud of dust; 万起一片尘土; ~ the spirits of the dead; 使死者的妃成出现; shoes that ~ blisters on my feet; 把我的脚磨起水泡的牡; a story that might ~ a blush on a young girl's cheeks; 一个可能使少女听了脸红的故事; a long, hot walk that ~d a good thirst, caused the walker to be thirsty. 使人口渴的又长又热的步行。 ~ a dust/commotion, (fig) cause a disturbance. (喻) 惹起一场纷扰; 引起骚动。 ~s laugh, do sth to cause laughter. 惹起一脉大笑。 ~ Cain/hell/the devil/the roof. (sl) cause an uproar; start a big row' or disturbance. (U)兴风作浪; 惹起骚乱; 闹出问题。 4 bring up for discussion or attention: 提出 (以便讨论或引起注意): ~ a new point/a question/a protest/ an objection. 提出一新论点 (问题,抗议,异议) 。 5 grow or produce (crops); breed (sheep, etc); rear, bring up (a family). 种植或出产 (作物); 饲歪 (羊等); 养 (家); 抚育 (子女) 。 6 get or bring together; manage to get: 集结; 召集; 啬措: ~ an army; 召募一支军队; ~ a loan; 借款; ~ money for a new undertaking; 为一新 MMMK ; ~ funds for a holiday, eg by pawning one's jewels. 落集度假费用 (例如典当珠宝首饰等) c 7 ~ a siege/blockade. end it. 解除色围 (封锁) 。 ~ an embargo, remove it. 解除禁运。 8 ~ land, (naut) come in sight of land that appears to rise above the horizon: (航海) 看见陆皂: The ship ~d land the next morning. 翌段该船即见陆地。 n (esp US, cf GB, rise) increase in salary, etc. (尤美,参较英国用法之 rise) 薪资等之提高; 加薪。 ~r n (in compounds) one who, that which, ~s (in various senses) : (用于复合字) 举起者; 扶直者; 升起者; 提出者; 种植者; 养育君; 募集者; 解除者: 'cattle—rs; 养牛业者; 'curtain—r, short introductory play; 开台戏 (正戏前之配 I); '—re- ~ rs, arsonists. 纵火者; 放火者。




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