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单词 quote
释义 quote /kwavt; kwot/ vt 1 [VP6A, 14] ~ (from), repeat, write (words used by another); repeat or write words (from a book, an author, etc): 弓汇(他人的话); 引用(一书,作者等): ~ 0 verse from the Bible; 引用圣经中的一节; ~ the Bible. 引或圣经。 Is Shakespeare the author most frequently ~d from? 莎士比亚是敲常被引用的作京啮? He is ~d as having said that there wilt be an election this autumn. 有人引述他的话说今秋将举行选举。 2 [VP6A, 13A] give (a reference, etc) to support a statement: 提供(引证等)以支持一陈述: Can you ~ (me) a recent instance? 你咱弟出一个最近的例证临? 3 [VP6A] name, mention (a price): 提出(价格); 报 (os): This is the best price / can ~ you. id 是我能向你提出的最好的价钱了。 The shares are ~分 on the Stock Exchange at 80p. 证券交易所公布的这些股票的价格是八十便士。 n (colloq) sth ~d, esp sth wittv, unusual, etc; quotation (2,3,4). (俗) 引述的话(尤指富有机智, 不平常者); 引用文; 行情表; 报价单。 quotable /-abl; -obi/ adj that can be, or deserves to be, ~d. 能够或窟得引用,引证,报价的 Oquo-tability /(kwsuts'bxiati; kwotd'biliti/ n [U].




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