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单词 quadruple
释义 quadruple /'kwodru: pl US: kwD‘dru: pl; 'kwadrup!/ adj 1 made up of four parts. 由四部分组成的。 2 agreed to by four persons, parties, etc: 由四个人或四方面同意有: a ~ alliance, of four Powers. 四卤联吨。 n number or amount four times as great as another: 四倍: 20 is the ~ o/ 5. 20 为 5 之 4 倍。 vt, vi /kwodru: pl; kwad'rupl/ [VP6A, quadrilaterals 2A] multiply by 4: 以 4 乗之; 商倍之: He has ~d his income/His income has ~d in the last four years. 他的收入在过去四年中增加了四倍。




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